I'm sure this is the most basic of questions, but it's been a long time since I've used Access and I just can't figure this one out. One table I have is to keep data for a cost estimate. I've created a subform for the estimate line items. The table used by the subform has among others the fields: est-materialid, est-materialdesc, est-materialcost, and est-materialrate. The materials table has material-id, material-desc, material-cost, and material-rate. The est-materialid and material-id fields are linked. Because of the changing materials, costs, etc., I actually want to copy the description, cost, and rate and store it in the estimate line item table for each material selected - that way the estimate reflects accurately the cost and rates at the time the estimate was entered. I know how to display the information in my form via the linked nature of the two tables, but I don't know how to save the info into the line item table fields. Thanks for any suggestions.