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Copying Current Database

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Apr 27, 2002

I am using Access 97 and I am trying to make a copy of my database which is opened by the user. I am uaing follwing syntax

Dim SrcFile, DestFile as String

SrcFile = CurrDB.Name
DestFile = "C:\BackDatabase.mdb"

MsgBox SrcFile & vbCrLf & DestFile

FileCopy SrcFile, DestFile

For some reason it is not working for the current database maybe because its opened and locked. When I try to copy another file it gives no problem.

Any syggestions?

Have tried this before and had the same problems. The only way around I could find was to close database and run the copy as a scheduled task.
My database was only used during office hours so ran the backup copy overnight!!
If this option is viable for you I will post the code that I used.

Hi :)

Thanks for your reply. I can even tell the user to manually copy the file. But I liked to copy the file from code itself. Maybe i will create a new database and export all objects.


Also please see this earlier thread
thread 705-182150
Not sure if you solved your prob, but came up with this bad boy of a batch file which works a treat for me. see what you think. Run batch file from scheduler and don't forget to alter paths, etc

@echo off

rem Batch file to backup Live GTS FEP Database suite
rem File in Source directory - see below
rem Created 26/09/02 by DT

rem *******************************************************************************

rem *** DECLARATIONS ***

Title Portfolio Support Database Backup

rem Source Pathway so that it can run on any NTS box
set source=\\IHCN01\PFSUP\DATABASErem Online Backup Pathway so that it can run on any NTS box
set backup=\\IHCN01\PFSUP\BACKUP
rem Secure Backup:eek:nline, but non-public access - temporary

rem GTS Extract Database
set extract="%source%GTS TRADE EXTRACT.MDB"
rem Compliance Analysis Database
set compliance="%source%GAS COMPLIANCE ANALYSIS.MDB"
rem Settlement Export
set settlements="%source%GAS SETTLEMENTS EXPORT.MDB"
rem Confirmations
set confirm="%source%CONFIRMATIONS.MDB"
rem Secure Workgroup File
set workgroup="%source%LOCAL.MDW"

rem *******************************************************************************

rem *** INITIALISE ***

rem Set current date into %datestamp%
call dateset

rem Open Log COPYLOG.LOG in %source%
set log=%source%pscopylog.log
echo Portfolio Support Database Backup Log for %datestamp% > %log%
echo. >> %log%

rem *******************************************************************************

rem *** MAIN ***

echo Saving Database Files to Backup
echo Saving Database Files to Backup >> %log%

rem Report to Log if expected Source files are not found when saving to Backup area

if not exist %extract% echo !!! WARNING - %extract% file not found !!! >> %log%
if exist %extract% call backupPSFile.bat %extract% %backup% Backup
if not exist %compliance% echo !!! WARNING - %compliance% file not found !!! >> %log%
if exist %compliance% call backupPSFile.bat %compliance% %backup% Backup
if exist %settlement% call backupPSFile.bat %settlements% %backup% Backup
if exist %confirm% call backupPSFile.bat %confirm% %backup% Backup
if not exist %workgroup% echo !!! WARNING - %workgroup% file not found !!! >> %log%
if exist %workgroup% call backupPSFile.bat %workgroup% %backup% Backup

echo Saving Database Files to Secure Area
echo. >> %log%
echo Saving Database Files to Secure Area >> %log%

if exist %extract% call backupPSFile.bat %extract% %secure% Secure
if exist %compliance% call backupPSFile.bat %compliance% %secure% Secure
if exist %settlement% call backupPSFile.bat %settlements% %secure% Secure
if exist %confirm% call backupPSFile.bat %confirm% %secure% Secure
if exist %workgroup% call backupPSFile.bat %workgroup% %secure% Secure

echo. >> %log%
echo Backup Complete >> %log%

rem *******************************************************************************

rem *** CLOSE ***
rem Print Report
echo Printing Log ...
net use lpt1: \\ghcn05\ghclz95
type %log% > lpt1:
net use lpt1: /d
wait 2

rem eop
See Microsoft Knowledge Base Article - 207703
or cut/copy the following link. I used it and it works pretty good. I added some code to make it more versatile. Make sure you head the warning in the article: If while copying, the file changes, it could corrupt the copied file (destination). I haven't had a problem, but haven't tested it in the database's network environment.

Note: I used method 1. Did not test method 2.

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