This is part of a security maintenance function which works by restoring a list of people from a MEM file into a cursor which the section head can edit.
Clicking 'Save & Exit' from the form with the editable cursor (in a grid) copies the cursor data to an array, which is then saved to the original .MEM
Problem -: simply issuing a 'copy to array pws' is OK but
'copy to array pws for <anything>' results in an array with the correct structure but all fields '.F.'
The same happens if a record in the cursor is deleted and I try 'copy ... for deleted(), or copy with deleted ON.
Clicking 'Save & Exit' from the form with the editable cursor (in a grid) copies the cursor data to an array, which is then saved to the original .MEM
Problem -: simply issuing a 'copy to array pws' is OK but
'copy to array pws for <anything>' results in an array with the correct structure but all fields '.F.'
The same happens if a record in the cursor is deleted and I try 'copy ... for deleted(), or copy with deleted ON.