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Copy large file (70GB) over network

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Technical User
Apr 3, 2006
I was wondering if anyone had any issue similar with this. I have SBS 2003 Server and every week I use the Backup Wizard to generate a complete FS Backup. My goal is to duplicate that file to another system as a precaution. The file is about 70 GB and i tried to copy it using scripts, normal Copy & paste and even RoboCopy - it always end with "insufficient system resources to completed the request".
Is there a limit on the file size that can be copied?

thank you.
I still stand by FileZilla. I'm not sure what registry edits you're worried about, it does what it needs to do and really has extremely negligible impact on your server.

I will try that also; I wonder if we can script a transfer though?
Okay, instead of trying to copy your 70GB bkf file why don't you try performing a mirrored robocopy of your actual files to the other server using the mirror option and just set up a script to run robocopy nightly between servers for all server changes.
Sure you can, run FileZilla server at the other end, then use the local machine's cmd line FTP client to script/send. I also use this .vbs for sending via FTP
Option Explicit : Dim BaseDir, FTPaddr, UserName, Password, arASCII, ShowSuccess

'vbsFTP.vbs - FTP upload tool using DOS FTP (DOS window suppressed).
'© Bill James - bill@billsway.com - rev 20 Oct 2000

'  Windows Script Host 2.0 or higher.
'  FTP.exe in the local path (should already be present).
'  Local folder structure must match the directory structure of your web site.

'  1) Edit the User Variables section below for your specific criteria.
'  2) Place a shortcut to this script in the SendTo folder.

'  Right click a file or files in your local web directory, click SendTo,
'  then select the vbsFTP shortcut.  Optional: Drag-and-Drop to script.

 ' * * * * * * * * * * * * * * User  Variables * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
 ' FTP address for the root of your web site:
 '   Example: "ftp.myISP.com" (check ISP help page for details)          *
   FTPaddr  = "ftp.myserver.com"
 ' Local folder that equates to the root of your web site:               *
   BaseDir  = "" 'Note this allows you to FTP from anywhere instead of the root of your website
 ' FTP username for your site:                                           *
   UserName = "ftpuser"
 ' FTP password for your site:                                           *
   Password = "ftppass"
 ' ---ADVANCED Setup Options---                                          *
 ' (If you don't know what ascii upload means, leave this alone!)
 ' Files to be uploaded in ASCII format:                                 *
   arASCII = Array("txt", "cgi", "pl", "htm", "html", "asp", "js", "vbs")
 ' Suppress Popup if upload succeeded (True or False, no quotes):        *
   ShowSuccess = True
 ' * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Dim Title, args, fso, f, ck, ws, InFile, ftp, OutFile
Dim arOutLines, IconType, MsgTimer, Sent, errFTP

'Title      = "vbsFTP © Bill James"
Title      = "vbsFTP script"
Set args   = WScript.Arguments
Set fso    = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set ws     = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
InFile     = fso.GetSpecialFolder(2) & "\" & fso.GetTempName
Set ftp    = fso.OpenTextFile(InFile, 2, True)
OutFile    = fso.GetSpecialFolder(2) & "\" & fso.GetTempName
arOutlines = Array()

SanityCheck() 'Check input parameters OK

WriteScript() 'Write the FTP script

'Upload the files
ws.Run "%comspec% /c ftp -i -s:" & InFile & " >" & OutFile, 0, True

GetResults() ' Results of transfer

' Report failure or success
If ShowSuccess Then
  ws.Popup Join(arOutLines, vbcrlf), MsgTimer, Title, IconType
  If errFTP Then
    ws.Popup Join(arOutLines, vbcrlf), MsgTimer, Title, IconType
  End If
End If

Cleanup() 'Release objects and exit


Sub SanityCheck()
  'Script can not run if called directly with no parameters
  If args.Count < 1 Then
    ws.Popup "Use Drag-and-Drop or SendTo only.", , Title, 48
  End If

  'Check that file argument is in the local base directory
  If Left(args(0), Len(BaseDir)) <> BaseDir Then
    ws.Popup "Files to upload must be in " & BaseDir & " folder or sub folder.", , Title, 48
  End If

  'Check if a folder was sent to script
  On Error Resume Next
  For f = 0 To args.Count -1
    Set ck = fso.GetFile(args(f))
    If Err Then
      ws.Popup "Folders can not be uploaded.", , Title, 48
    End If
  On Error GoTo 0
End Sub

Sub WriteScript()
  Dim RelPath, i, Trans
  'Create variable to enable changing to the same Web directory
  RelPath = fso.GetParentFolderName(args(0))
  If RelPath <> BaseDir Then
    RelPath = Right(RelPath, Len(RelPath) - Len(BaseDir) - 1)
    RelPath = ""
  End If
  With ftp
    .WriteLine "open " & FTPaddr
    .WriteLine UserName
    .WriteLine Password
    .WriteLine "bell"
    'If RelPath <> "" Then .WriteLine "cd " & chr(34) & RelPath & chr(34)
    .WriteLine "cd /uploads/"
    For f = 0 To args.Count -1
      Sent = False
      'Determine if ascii or binary transmission to be used
      For Each i in arASCII
        If LCase(i) = LCase(fso.GetExtensionName(args(f))) Then
          If Trans <> "ascii" Then
            Trans = "ascii"
            .WriteLine Trans
          End If
          Sent = True
        End If
      If Not Sent Then
        If Trans <> "binary" Then
          Trans = "binary"
          .WriteLine Trans
        End If
      End If
      .WriteLine "put " & chr(34) & args(f) & chr(34)
    .WriteLine "close"
    .WriteLine "bye"
  End With
End Sub

Sub GetResults()
  Dim i, OutPut, ThisLine
  errFTP = False
  IconType = 64
  MsgTimer = 3
  ReDim Preserve arOutLines(0)
  arOutLines(0) = Title & vbcrlf & vbcrlf & "ERROR DURING UPLOAD: " & vbcrlf
  i = 0
  Set OutPut = fso.OpenTextFile(OutFile, 1)
  Do While Not OutPut.AtEndOfStream
    ThisLine = OutPut.ReadLine
    'FTP error codes are 4xx or 5xx
    If CStr(Left(ThisLine, 1)) = CStr(4) Or CStr(Left(ThisLine, 1)) = CStr(5) Then
      i = i + 1
      ReDim Preserve arOutLines(i)
      arOutLines(i) = ThisLine
      errFTP = True
      IconType = 48 + 4096
      MsgTimer = 0
    End If
  If errFTP Then
    i = i + 1
    ReDim Preserve arOutLines(i)
    arOutLines(i) = "File(s) not uploaded:" & vbcrlf
    ReDim Preserve arOutLines(0)
    arOutLines(0) = Title & vbcrlf & vbcrlf & _
                    "File(s) uploaded successfully:" & vbcrlf
  End If
  For f = 0 To args.Count -1
    i = i + 1
    ReDim Preserve arOutLines(i)
    arOutLines(i) = args(f) & Space(15)
End Sub

Sub Cleanup()
  On Error Resume Next
  fso.DeleteFile InFile, True
  fso.DeleteFile OutFile, True
  Set args = Nothing
  Set fso  = Nothing
  Set ws   = Nothing
  Set ftp  = Nothing
  Erase arOutlines
  Erase arASCII
End Sub

Save this code as ftp.vbs and call it in your batch or script or whatever as:
ftp.vbs <filename_to_upload>

It doesn't show a status but will be transferring the file. When it is done it will notify you. There is a flag you can change so it does not notify you if you wish.

I will give it a try.
I will try the 20 retries option first and let you know.
What about using a zip program to compress it into multiple smaller files, then extracting it at the other end?

You could turn compression way down if you don't actually want to compress, and it should be relatively quick and easy.

I think izarc can do it:


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