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copy/cut and paste in illustrator 10

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Aug 23, 2003
Copy/ cut and paste make illustrtor stall your about 10 seconds.
I had this problem, then installed a different version.
It worked for about 1 day. Now i have the same problem again! I thought it would be a memory problem but now i have got 768 MB, this must be enough, right??
Does anybody know what to do?


check out where your scratch disc is linked to.
You need a large chunk of disc for cut and paste on large files.

The longest jounney starts with the first step.
Useing dimoj's variation on the aiprefs trick. Move aiprefs to your desktop, launch ai. If you want your old palette locations back, close ai, move aiprefs back where it was (overwriting the new one).

"Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds." -Einstein
One thing I've found can sometimes speed up 'Cuts' in AI is fooling around w/ the settings under:

Prefs > Files & Clipboard

It is VERY unlikely that AI will use your scratch disk at all unless your file expands to larger than say: 500+ MB in memory, meaning, when it's open.(That would be a Gigantic file) And since you have 768MB, and your OS takes around 256 (when greedy) you should be fine UNLESS

Your RAM is damaged / your OS has a problem.

You can check your RAM usage by toggling the display in the Status Bar (lower left) to 'Free Memory'

If your RAM is overclocked or cheap, it would could cause stalls like this as well, as the dirty memory has to be scrubbed and rewritten from disk.

With that much memory, unless your RAM is ALL in use, you should never even see your hard disk light flash unless you open or save.

Also, w/ 768MB you must have an uneven number of sticks of RAM, which for some types decreases their performance, or makes them unstable, also, some brands aren't that tolerant of different speeds/ sizes of Ram, so that 2x256DDR is faster than 3x256, but not than 1x512MB.

I would suggest running RAM tests using SiSoft Sandra (The personal version is free)


It is alright to decorate construction, but never construct decoration. - Pugin, on Arch.
It's actually a regular problem with AI and has nothing to do with your comp. If its hanging on copy/paste it's probably also taking for ever to launch the app and start new documents among other things. Always make sure you have completely updated your software including your OS. Patches and updates are always available at the manufactures web site. Work on windows 2000 if you get a choice, it's the least buggy microsoft OS. Although there is no concrete answer, installing photoshop before illustrator and launching photoshop first each day seems to kick AI out of its funk. My guess is they use the same system setting somewhere.

"Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds." -Einstein
Jaquan, I'm not following how this may have 'nothing to do with your (their) comp.' Wouldn't you agree that software and hardware are completely dependent on each other?

I have had this problem personally, while cutting broken text paths in my production work... and yes, AI was strangely slow about it, especially for something that shouldn't overload the RAM at all. But, after putting in more RAM, (and different RAM I might add) there is no lag at all, nothing changed in AI or W2K, which are up to date.

I'm not saying it IS an OS/RAM issue, but it cannot be ruled out, no matter how badly Adobe wrote it's clipboard functionality (or how complex it was to write.) The 'way' Adobe writes to RAM may be as much at fault as how well the RAM functions to begin with.

I'd love to hear your point of view!


It is alright to decorate construction, but never construct decoration. - Pugin, on Arch.
Adobe had a huge hill to climb when it came to making things work the same on windows as it did on it's Mac precursor. A lot of things made it, some had to be 'simulated' requiring much more code. Mac clipboard is inherent where the PC's is more of a service running ontop of windows. But the problem is actually much deeper. I've had this problem on the cleanest of installs and nothing seemed to directly fix it(aside from the aiprefs fix), it would sort of just work it self out after a while. So if it is OS/comp related, it's the OS it's running on. It doesnt happen on OSX and it happens without any rhyme or reason on windows. I blame adobe, but only because of the crappy OS they had to write for.

"Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds." -Einstein
Hmm... yes that sounds reasonable to me, I didn't realize the architecture of the OS's clipboard hadn't been optimized for the PC, I figured they would hire folks who 'knew' PC's (or Windows arch.) to make it efficient. And, perhaps you're right even further, and the Clipboard service is just that much slower (for whatever reason) in windows to begin with, I'm no expert to judge.

But, I can tell you, that with every passing year (and comp upgrade) I get THIS much closer to buying a MAC, or building a UNIX box, ONLY because so many high-end graphics and 3D rendering programs were written for Unix based machines, and OSX is 'based?' on the kernel...

Thanks for your input.

It is alright to decorate construction, but never construct decoration. - Pugin, on Arch.
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