I import data a shipping packing list into an Excel sheet, I then need to copy rows (which are not always the same no) to a new sheet to print a packing list for each container. Can be you to 20 for each shipmemt.
Can you give us more information about how you want to select your rows.
Why do you need to use a second sheet ?
Why can't you just print your selection from your main sheet ?
The Ist sheet imports basic data from another system. Basicly each line is a product item, qty etc. There can be upto a 100-200 lines. We manually then decide which case each item is put in. There are normlly 5 /6 items per case but varies. Having allocated a case to each Item, I then hasve to create a packing list for each case. I could print each packing list out one at a time using filters print the list and then reset the filter and print the list etc etc. However thats boring so I'm looking to a marco to help automate the process.
I don't see how the macro will help if you have no means of automatically selecting the data you want. It's dead easy to print off batches of information automatically directly from your main sheet, but you need to know what criteria you are using. If you must make the selection manually, then there is nothing faster than manually selecting the rows you want and using a macro button to print the selection.
My gut feeling for a quick solution would be to use subtotals.
Add a column to your xl sheet and allocate case nums/letters/whatever manually then sort by this column. Apply subtotals maybe using count on the case column and select the pagebreak between subtotals option then print.
You won't save a huge amount of time automating this, as tbl has suggested, but if you really want to just record yourself from the sort to the print, maybe even removing the subtotals could be included.
Hope this makes some sense
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