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Copy a command button and its code

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Technical User
Jul 2, 2003
Hi everyone,

I'm working on a Excel project for my company. It's nearly over by now but I still cannot find a way to copy a command button and its code to another sheet in the same workbook... it's getting really anoying!!!! [pc]
Can someone help me???

Thanks a lot... Chris!

Hi everyone,

thanks a lot!! SkipVought already replied to me about this problem so don't mind anymore about it...


What was his answer? Can it be done? I'm interested in hearing about that.
Hi everyone,

this is the code I used to create a command button that copy a sheet and its code in the same woorkbook. It also rename it:

I want to copy the worksheet("COPRA") and rename it.
In this code, Reponse means answer in french, so worksheet(Reponse) is the name you give to the saved sheet;
If you want to use this code, just change worksheet("COPRA") by the name of the worksheet you want to save.

Sorry about my english if there are some mistake, I am French [medal] and I need some coffee by now!!! [morning]

Private Sub CommandButton3_Click()
Dim Sh As Worksheet
Dim Reponse As String
Dim MonNom As String
Dim BonNom As Boolean
Dim Code$, NextLine&
Dim LeString

LeString = ":\/?*[]"

BonNom = True
Reponse = InputBox("Please enter a name" _
+ vbCrLf + "for the new sheet:", _
"Give a name to the sheet", MonNom)
If Reponse <> &quot;&quot; Then
'check if the name already exist
For a = 1 To ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets.Count
If UCase(Reponse) = UCase(Worksheets(a).Name) Then
supp = MsgBox( _
&quot;This sheet already exist,&quot; _
+ vbCrLf + vbCrLf + _
&quot;Do you want to change it?.&quot;, vbYesNo + vbOKOnly, _
&quot;Name already exist&quot;)
If supp = vbYes Then
Application.DisplayAlerts = False

'Save the informations on the sheet before erasing it
Exit For

BonNom = False
MonNom = Reponse
Exit For
End If
End If

'Check that the number of letters used in the name is under 31 (because this is the limit of Excel)...
If Len(Reponse) > 31 Then
MsgBox &quot;The number of letters(&quot; & _
Len(Reponse) & &quot;) used in your name is&quot; _
+ vbCrLf + &quot; over the one allowed by Excel.&quot;, _
vbCritical + vbInformation, &quot;Name too long&quot;
BonNom = False
MonNom = Reponse
End If

'Check if you used wrong letters
For a = 1 To Len(LeString)
If InStr(1, Reponse, Mid(LeString, a, 1), vbTextCompare) > 0 Then
MsgBox &quot;The letters: &quot; & _
LeString & &quot; are forbiden&quot; _
+ vbCrLf + &quot;in the name of a worksheet.&quot;, _
vbCritical + vbOKOnly, &quot;Letters forbiden&quot;
BonNom = False
MonNom = Reponse
Exit For
End If
Exit Sub
End If
Loop Until BonNom = True

'Copy the worksheet(&quot;COPRA&quot;) and rename it
Worksheets(&quot;COPRA&quot;).Copy after:=Worksheets(&quot;COPRA&quot;)
Set Sh = Worksheets(&quot;COPRA (2)&quot;)
Sh.Name = Reponse

End Sub

I hope this will help many people!!!!


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