I just can't see what I'm doing wrong here.
On Page1.asp, I need the cookie to capture the value of a text boxed name "txtABC".
On Page3.asp, I need to bring up that cookie and have the value show in the body.
How do I do this? I cannot seem to capture the value of the textbox. My syntax is on Page1 is
<% Response.Cookies("Add" = Request.Form("txtABC"
Response.Cookies("Add".Expires = DateAdd("d", 1, Date) %>
On Page3 I have:
Value: <% Response.Write Request.Cookies("Add" %>
On Page1.asp, I need the cookie to capture the value of a text boxed name "txtABC".
On Page3.asp, I need to bring up that cookie and have the value show in the body.
How do I do this? I cannot seem to capture the value of the textbox. My syntax is on Page1 is
<% Response.Cookies("Add" = Request.Form("txtABC"
Response.Cookies("Add".Expires = DateAdd("d", 1, Date) %>
On Page3 I have:
Value: <% Response.Write Request.Cookies("Add" %>