I'm using pcc v10
I have a column Char that has this data like this 'Y/N _ SHIP (20YY/MM/DD) 20__/__/__', (default) or Y/N y SHIP (20YY/MM/DD) 2019/01/17' .
I'm pulling just the date using the if function.
If(Substring(shp.Shiped, 29, 10) = '20__/__/__', NULL, Substring(shp.Shiped, 29, 10)) AS ShipDate,
The IF function works fine.
My question is how to convert the ship date to a Date.
I tried using convert(Shipdate,SQL_DATE) but I get an error in the convet function.
I'm using pcc v10
I have a column Char that has this data like this 'Y/N _ SHIP (20YY/MM/DD) 20__/__/__', (default) or Y/N y SHIP (20YY/MM/DD) 2019/01/17' .
I'm pulling just the date using the if function.
If(Substring(shp.Shiped, 29, 10) = '20__/__/__', NULL, Substring(shp.Shiped, 29, 10)) AS ShipDate,
The IF function works fine.
My question is how to convert the ship date to a Date.
I tried using convert(Shipdate,SQL_DATE) but I get an error in the convet function.