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convert variable to regex

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Mar 12, 2003
Terrible subject title, not sure what to call my problem...
I'm constructing a search function. Works great so far, but I want to make it case-insensitive. What I've got is along the lines of
use Win32::GUI;
use File::Find::Rule;

# $main is the handle to my primary window
my $Pattern = $main->AddTextfield(
        -height => 20,
        -width  => 100,
        -text   => "*",

my $found_files = find(
        name => ($Pattern->Text),
        maxdepth => "$depth",
        exec => \&GotMatch,
        in => ($searchdir),
According to the docs on File::Find::Rule, "name" can be a regex, and I know I can make a regex case-insensitive using the /i operator. I just have no clue how to express $Pattern->Text as a regex, and guessing in the dark isn't helping.

Can somebody buy me a clue?
*Grabs Friedl of the shelf*
my $foo = "Hello World";

my $obj1 = qr/world/;
my $obj2 = qr/(?i:world)/;

$foo =~ /$obj1/ and print "test 1 ok\n"; [COLOR=blue]# Won't work[/color]
$foo =~ /$obj2/ and print "test 2 ok\n"; [COLOR=blue]# Might just work because of (?i:) in regex[/color]
"Some flavors also support (?i:...) and (?-i:...), which turn on and off case-insensitive matching for the subexpression enclosed
Hmmm, does this mean I could just declare

name => /(?i:$Pattern->Text)/,

I suggest you try to find out :) However, I would suggest:
name => "(?i:".$Pattern->Text.")",
as the argument for 'name' should (probably) be a string and not a slash-delimited regex :)
Well, the docs say that field "can be" a delimited regex. It is usually a string.

My first couple of attempts have not worked out, I'll have to play with it at home when I can concentrate.

Thx for the help, I will post back when I have experimented more.
I'm getting nowhere. I've tried your string suggestion 100 ways, I've tried a regex 1000 ways, either it won't compile or it won't match.
Find::File::Rule.pod said:
Matching Rules:
name( @patterns ) Specifies names that should match. May be globs or regular expressions.

$set->name( '*.mp3', '*.ogg' ); # mp3s or oggs
$set->name( qr/\.(mp3|ogg)$/ ); # the same as a regex
$set->name( 'foo.bar' ); # just things named foo.bar
Using the 2nd example, as soon as I do m/.../ the variable becomes a reference, rather than the referent.

Follows is a (stripped down) fully functional script.
use Win32::GUI;
use File::Find::Rule;

my $main = Win32::GUI::Window->new(
	-name 	=> 'Main',
	-text 	=> 'Test',
	-width 	=> 225,
	-height => 100,
	-menu 	=> $Menu,
my $Pattern = $main->AddTextfield(
        -left   => 100,
        -top    => 10,
        -prompt => "   List Files Named:",
	-height => 20,
	-width 	=> 100,
	-text 	=> "*.*",

my $GoButton = $main->AddButton(
	-name 	=> "GoButt",
	-size 	=> [75,25],
	-text 	=> "Start Search",
	-pos  	=> [70,35],


sub GoButt_Click {
	my $pt = $Pattern->Text;
	my $depth = "1";
	my $found_files = find(
		name 	=>  "$pt",
		maxdepth => "$depth",
		exec 	=> \&show_it,
		in 	=> ("c:\\"),

sub show_it {
	print "@_[2]\n";

sub Main_Terminate {
	return -1;

sub Exit {
	return -1;
I have de-referenced $Pattern->Text with
name => $pt
in an attempt to simplify, but it hasn't helped.

How can I make $Pattern->Text case-insensitive? I'm sure it's a classic case of not seeing the forest for the trees...
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