I have a varchar field that store quantity order with "+/-" in front of it and I need to check if qty receive is more than this quantity order field, so the following statement was created.
First, the "+/-" was replace with "", then I convert it to float, but unfortunately, I've problem with the statement saying that "Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'group'". Actually, I don't know if the syntax was used correctly, Is there any other way of converting data type. It couldn't be found on this forum.
Below is the sql statement.
SELECT m.PONo, m.SubconCode
FROM POMaster m, PODetails d, GoodsReceipt g
WHERE m.PONo=d.PONo and d.PONo=g.PONo and d.ItemNo=g.ItemNo
HAVING SUM(g.QtyRecv) > CONVERT(float,REPLACE(d.QtyOrder,'+/-',''))
GROUP BY m.PONo,m.SubconCode,d.QtyOrder
Thanks a lot for any help.
I have a varchar field that store quantity order with "+/-" in front of it and I need to check if qty receive is more than this quantity order field, so the following statement was created.
First, the "+/-" was replace with "", then I convert it to float, but unfortunately, I've problem with the statement saying that "Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'group'". Actually, I don't know if the syntax was used correctly, Is there any other way of converting data type. It couldn't be found on this forum.
Below is the sql statement.
SELECT m.PONo, m.SubconCode
FROM POMaster m, PODetails d, GoodsReceipt g
WHERE m.PONo=d.PONo and d.PONo=g.PONo and d.ItemNo=g.ItemNo
HAVING SUM(g.QtyRecv) > CONVERT(float,REPLACE(d.QtyOrder,'+/-',''))
GROUP BY m.PONo,m.SubconCode,d.QtyOrder
Thanks a lot for any help.