I first posted this in SQL Programing (Not sure how to remove it from there)
I need to convert this SQL Select statement in to a select statement that will work with MS Access 2000. Any help would be appreciated.
I need to convert this SQL Select statement in to a select statement that will work with MS Access 2000. Any help would be appreciated.
strSQL = "SELECT * FROM eventCalendar WHERE " & _
"convert(datetime,convert(varchar,DatePart(yyyy, dteEventStart)) + '-' + " & _
"convert(varchar,DatePart(mm, dteEventStart)) + '-' + " & _
"convert(varchar,DatePart(dd,dteEventStart))) <= " & _
"'" & intYear & "-" & intMonth & "-" & y & "'" & " AND " & _
"convert(datetime,convert(varchar,DatePart(yyyy, dteEventEnd)) + '-' + " & _
"convert(varchar,DatePart(mm, dteEventEnd)) + '-' + " & _
"convert(varchar,DatePart(dd,dteEventEnd))) >= " & _
"'" & intYear & "-" & intMonth & "-" & y & "'" & _
"ORDER BY dteEventStart, dteEventEnd"