I need to be able to generate a single string out of all the records of one field from a table.
for example:
I would like to find out all the accient codes for Job#2345 as a single string like thus:
"1322, 1344, 5531"
I plan to put this in a report that shows a listing of each of the job# and an accident code (among other fields of data) so it's something like this:
I've thought about using a procedure in Access... and creating a recordset, but I have no idea how to do that in Access (but I know the syntax in ASP/vbscript)
is there a way to write a query that can do this?
any ideas?
Earnie Eng
If you are born once, you will die twice.
If you are born twice, you will die once
for example:
Code Job# Description
----- ---- -------------
1322 1234 Disfigurement
1344 2345 Amputation
1211 2345 Laceration
1444 2345 Fall from 2nd floor
5531 3456 burns
I would like to find out all the accient codes for Job#2345 as a single string like thus:
"1322, 1344, 5531"
I plan to put this in a report that shows a listing of each of the job# and an accident code (among other fields of data) so it's something like this:
Job# Accident Codes other info, etc...
---- ------------------ ----------------------
1234 "1322" blah blah blah
2345 "1322, 1344, 5531" blah blor bleeb
3456 "5531" doo bahp
I've thought about using a procedure in Access... and creating a recordset, but I have no idea how to do that in Access (but I know the syntax in ASP/vbscript)
is there a way to write a query that can do this?
any ideas?
Earnie Eng
If you are born once, you will die twice.
If you are born twice, you will die once