convert the integer part to a left justified string with no white space on the right. then depending on the length u can find the location of the digit, whether hundred/thousand and so on.
say the number is 15987
length(x)=5 implies its part of thousand.
divide by 1000
remainder =987 (for second part) Quotient =15
add alpha[15] + thousand to a variable say words.
part - II
now x=987
divide by 100
quotient = 9
add alpha[9] + hundred to words
if remainder > 20
{divide by 10
add alpha(quotient + 20) to words
add alpha[remainder] to words
add alphs[remainder ] to words
expand this logic for the decimal part also by treating it to be integer in case u want to print decimal in words else simply print the decimal part/100 as required
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