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conversion to web

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Jun 13, 2001
I have an educational application written in VB 4 that involves study slides and drag and drop quizes and would like to re-write it for the web re-using the code or at least some of it so as not to have to re-invent the wheel. Any suggestions?
You're gonna at least have to set up the HTML page(s), and if the page(s) aren't going to be run from a web server, convert everything to either hard coded HTML or use Javascript for dynamic content. If you're running from a server, you can use some VBScript for the server-side scripting, but unless you're targeting an IE-only audience, you'll need to change programming on the client-side to Javascript.

No matter which way you go, you have some serious rewriting ahead of you because you're converting from a standalone format to something that displays inside another program that uses its own formatting codes and syntax.

Thanks. That's what I was afraid of. One other question though. I used a .rc file for bitmaps and sound, what would be the equivalent in a web app?
That question doesn't mean anything. It's like asking what the word "rocket" in English translates to in algebra. You have to place the graphics on the web page where you want them, form elements where you want them, implement sound how you want it, etc., then include them in the folder/directory you specified in the HTML.

It sounds like you need someone who knows how to do web design, so you might try to find a person you can sit down with and talk to and describe what you have and what you want to accomplish. The project you have is WAY more than you'll be able to work out through Tek Tips.

Now, if you're in an intranet situation, you could fairly easily redo your app as an ActiveX Control, which you could then display using IE as the container. I wouldn't recommend this for a full on internet solution, though, since most browsers will not be friendly to ActiveX Controls trying to install themselves on their machine from the internet. And understandably so.

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