I need to display reports in my asp.net page as one long continuous report. However, when printed, my boss would like the header to repeat. Is there a way to control this feature programatically (vb.net)?
Within CR, you could place the group headers in a detail section_a which is then conditionally suppressed (format-section->details->suppress->x+2) with a formula like:
remainder({#cntwingrp},50) <> 1 //replace 50 with your number
where {#cntwintrp} is a running total which counts every records and resets on change of group.
Perhaps I misunderstood. The "50" is just an example of the number of lines after which you would like the group header to repeat. So if you wanted the (fake) group header to repeat every 75 lines, you would change the number to 75.
well it's just that it would be hard to guess what number to put there because i don't know how many records would fit on a page (the user could change print margins etc)....
I guess your original question was how you can get the group header to repeat ONLY when printing, but NOT for display purposes? Someone else will have to help you with that. Sorry for misunderstanding.
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