i know i'm missing something basic here. there are 4 elements to my problem: the main timeline, an MC(textmovie) on frame 3, an empty MC(with the instance titled "swfmovie" on frame 4, and an external (external.swf) file in the same directory. OK, On frame 3 while the "textmovie" plays, i have a frame action on the main timeline that says: loadMovie ("external.swf", "_root.swfmovie". i'm using the "textmovie" on frame 3 to act as a distraction while the larger external SWF file loads into "swfmovie" on frame 4 of the main timeline. i have a frame action at the end of the "textmovie" timeline that says _root.gotoAndStop (4). Here's my question: at this point how do i get the "external.swf" that's loaded into the MC"swfmovie" to start playing? i've tried a million things and just can't get it. i know i'm missing something very basic. please clue me in. thanks.