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Control when users may access inventory locations

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Technical User
May 31, 2000
I'm designing a database to control an inventory of calibrated parts.&nbsp;&nbsp;The physical inventory is stored in drawers with compartments, each having a unique location number. I need to document where parts are used and when they need to be restocked.&nbsp;&nbsp;In the past, parts have been removed without their destination being documented.<br><br>I can easily require a destination field to be entered before a physical location is revealed.&nbsp;&nbsp;However, the technicians who routinely remove inventory will also be calibrating and restocking.&nbsp;&nbsp;Obviously, they will need a physical location number to do this.&nbsp;&nbsp;How can I prevent users from using the data entry form to obtain the location number and then removing parts without documentation.
You need to have barcode labels on your drawers. the barcode is the part number.<br>Then have any one removing or adding items scan the barcode on the drawer and scan a qty barcode.<br>You can buy a cordless barcode scanner and then the PC can be anywhere.<br>If you don't rely on them to KEY anything, your Tracking troubles will disappear. <p>DougP<br><a href=mailto: dposton@universal1.com> dposton@universal1.com</a><br><a href= > </a><br> Ask me how Bar-codes can help you be more productive.
I'm not sure I follow, but for restocking it seems like you could require them to enter the number they are adding to stock before they see the location. Maybe something similar can be required for calibrating, though I don't understand the process well enough to suggest what. <br><br>If you have compliance issues, it may help to capture the UserID and ask a few questions. Common reasons for non-compliance are (1) data-entry is a hassle and (2) the person responsible for entering the data is not aware of any personal benefit in having accurate data.
Thanks Elizabeth,<br><br>You've helped me zero in on part of the solution.&nbsp;&nbsp;Just requiring the part number before revealing its location wouldn't be enough since the technicians now have that information, but aren't complying.&nbsp;&nbsp;However, I can require that a &quot;lab&quot; part number (a number physically etched on the part and already a required field) be entered before the location is revealed.&nbsp;&nbsp;This would work for parts that are being calibrated as they're being restocked and also for those that aren't.&nbsp;&nbsp;That only leaves the situation where a technician with some free time needs location numbers to pull parts from the inventory and calibrate them without actually adding them to or removing them from stock.<br><br>As for the compliance issues, since these technicians are the ones who waste time looking for missing parts, I'm assuming they believe data entry (at least when hand-written on index cards) is a hassle.&nbsp;&nbsp;Maybe I should take your advise and ask them.<br><br>I need to think about that.&nbsp;&nbsp;Thanks for your help.
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Part and Inventory Search

