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Control Panel files won't open 1

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May 21, 2002
Hi all. This problem has me completely baffled.
1. "Sometimes" control panel will not open from the Start Menu. "Sometimes" it will.
Will open from My Computer.
2. "Sometimes" clicking on all icons in Control Panel will open the programs listed, other times some won't, espiecially sounds, fonts and printers. Other times if you wait 5 minutes or so these programs will open.
3. Some programs off the Desktop will not open; others work fine.
4. I was told that some .cpl files were corrupt and to rename them and reload them off the Windows 98 disk, or to reload Windows 98 again. The problem with this is it came preloaded on the PC, and no Windows 98 disk was given. I got a disk from someone but it was an older version so... Someone else gave me a Windows 98 Upgrade disk but did not try it yet. Wanted to ask you guys for help first.
I have lots of disk space left, lots of memory, ran scan disk and defrag, virus check.
Any help would be more than appreciated.
Do you get any errors when these programs on your desktop won't open? What programs are these? What are your system resources at when you have this problem? Right click on MY Computer and select Properties--Performance tab to find out. Does this problem occur right after you startup or do you only get this problem when the computer has been on awhile? What are your system resources at right after you startup?

If you doubleclick on control.exe (search for it) will the control panel always open that way?
Hi Kento. No, there are no errors showing when this problem occurs. This would be a good thing as it would make it a little easier to solve. The system resources are usually at 67% or there abouts. It doesn't matter if it is before startup or not when the problem occurs. Resources after start up is at 63%. Using control.exe does open control panel. Rene
Well your resources after startup are a bit low but not really low enough to cause this problem I wouldn't think. But maybe they're getting too low. Sometimes they open and sometimes they don't. It does sound like it might be a resource problem. Hmmmm, lets see what you have loading at startup. Download Startlog.com from here and run it. It'll create 2 text files on your desktop. Copy and paste the contents of Startlog to your reply here. You probably have some things in msconfig that you can uncheck to free up some resources and Startlog will help us see what's there.

Kento has some very good advice! Actually, in general right after bootup resources lower than about 80% will cause problem - if not right at boot, later after running a while. Windows' poor memory garbage collection is the culprit. Turn off programs down in the System Tray and in startup to free up resources. Aim for 82% or greater if possible. 63% is very, very low - generally.

Your mileage may vary...
Hi guys. Here is what is running on Startup Kento.
StartUp Log Index

1. HKLM Run
2. HKCU Run
3. HKLM RunOnce
4. HKCU RunOnce
5. HKLM RunServices
6. HKLM RunServicesOnce
7. WIN.INI file
8. SYSTEM.INI file
10. StartUp folder
11. All Users StartUp
12. Misc. StartUp Configurations
This is what is what is showing on startup with msconfig:
MSMSGS, System tray, Load Power Profile {2 of them}, CME Sys.{could never find out what that is for},AVG-CC, Scan Registry, AVGserv9.exe, and Internet call manager.
Don't know if this tells you anything. Rene
Hi Kento. The reason I didn't post the whole thing is it was 7 pages long, and I didn't know you needed the whole thing; I posted the rest.
A few other strange things have been happening as of late, which more likely then not have some bearing on the problem. A lot of times now when I'm in a program I have to use control-alt-delete to close them, and sometimes when I get them to close my Active Desktop closes and I have to restart it. Also yesterday my son was using the pc and he said everything was working normal; programs he couldn't open were working, MSN Messanger and Flash 5 in particular. After a while the pc locked up and when he rebooted, things were screwed up. Does sound like a memory problem, doesn't it.
Anyway, here is the Startup List again. Thanks.
StartUp Log Index

1. HKLM Run
2. HKCU Run
3. HKLM RunOnce
4. HKCU RunOnce
5. HKLM RunServices
6. HKLM RunServicesOnce
7. WIN.INI file
8. SYSTEM.INI file
10. StartUp folder
11. All Users StartUp
12. Misc. StartUp Configurations


The following is a list of your current Start-Ups

1. HKLM Run - Registry


"LoadPowerProfile"="Rundll32.exe powrprof.dll,LoadCurrentPwrScheme"
"AVG_CC"="C:\\PROGRA~1\\GRISOFT\\AVG6\\avgcc32.exe /STARTUP"
"ScanRegistry"="C:\\WINDOWS\\scanregw.exe /autorun"
"FileScan"="C:\\PROGRAM FILES\\SYSTEM SAFE GOLD\\FileScan.exe"






2. HKCU Run - Registry


"MSMSGS"="\"C:\\Program Files\\Messenger\\msmsgs.exe\" /background"


3. HKLM RunOnce - Registry




4. HKCU RunOnce - Registry




5. HKLM RunServices - Registry


"LoadPowerProfile"="Rundll32.exe powrprof.dll,LoadCurrentPwrScheme"


6. HKLM RunServicesOnce - Registry




7. WIN.INI File - (c:\windows\win.ini)

Your win.ini run/load lines should look like run= and load= exclusively.
There should be nothing to the right of the equal signs.

These are the run and load lines in your WIN.INI file


8. SYSTEM.INI File - (c:\windows\system.ini)

Your system.ini shell line should look like shell=Explorer.exe exclusively.
You should only see Explorer.exe following the equal sign.

This is the shell line in your SYSTEM.INI file



9. AUTOEXEC.BAT File - (c:\autoexec.bat)

(Some trojans have been known to start from this file)

These are your program startups and set paths in your autoexec.bat file

SET winbootdir=C:\WINDOWS
REM The following lines have been created by Windows. Do not modify them.


10. StartUp Folder - (c:\windows\start menu\programs\startup)

Shortcuts to any program will automatically start when placed here.

These are the shortcuts located in your StartUp folder

*(No start-ups found)*


11. All Users Folder - (c:\windows\all users\start menu\programs\startup)

Shortcuts to any program will automatically start when placed here.

These are the shortcuts located in your All Users StartUp folder

*(No start-ups found)*


12. Miscellaneous StartUp Configurations

Registry StartUp Directories

Should show the Start Menu StartUp and All Users StartUp directories


[1] HKCU - Shell Folders

HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders

"Startup"="C:\\WINDOWS\\Profiles\\n1tirt43\\Start Menu\\Programs\\Startup"


[2] HKCU - User Shell Folders

HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\User Shell Folders

"Startup"="C:\\WINDOWS\\Profiles\\n1tirt43\\Start Menu\\Programs\\Startup"


[3] HKLM - Shell Folders

HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\explorer\Shell Folders

"Common Startup"="C:\\WINDOWS\\All Users\\Start Menu\\Programs\\StartUp"


[4] HKLM - User Shell Folders

HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\explorer\User Shell Folders


Registry Shell Spawning

Open Commands for Executable File Types

@="\"%1\" %*"
(.exe file - RegPath = HKCR\exefile\shell\open\command)

@="\"%1\" %*"
(.com file - RegPath = HKCR\comfile\shell\open\command)

@="\"%1\" /S"
(.scr file - RegPath = HKCR\scrfile\shell\open\command)

@="\"%1\" %*"
(.bat file - RegPath = HKCR\batfile\shell\open\command)

@="\"%1\" %*"
(.pif file - RegPath = HKCR\piffile\shell\open\command)

@="C:\\WINDOWS\\SYSTEM\\MSHTA.EXE \"%1\" %*"
(.hta file - RegPath = HKCR\htafile\shell\open\command)

HKLM RunOnceEx - Registry


HKU (.Default) Run - Registry

"MSMSGS"="\"C:\\Program Files\\Messenger\\msmsgs.exe\" /background"

HKU (.Default) RunOnce - Registry


StubPaths - Registry (Partial Listing)

(Please see the StubPath.txt on your desktop for complete listing)

HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components

"StubPath"="C:\\WINDOWS\\COMMAND\\sulfnbk.exe /L"
"OldStubPath"="\"C:\\Program Files\\Outlook Express\\setup50.exe\" /APP:OE /CALLER:IE50 /user /install"
"RealStubPath"="\"C:\\Program Files\\Outlook Express\\setup50.exe\" /APP:OE /CALLER:IE50 /user /install"
"OldStubPath"="\"C:\\Program Files\\Outlook Express\\setup50.exe\" /APP:WAB /CALLER:IE50 /user /install"
"RealStubPath"="\"C:\\Program Files\\Outlook Express\\setup50.exe\" /APP:WAB /CALLER:IE50 /user /install"
"StubPath"="C:\\WINDOWS\\SYSTEM\\updcrl.exe -e -u C:\\WINDOWS\\SYSTEM\\verisignpub1.crl"

WININIT.BAK File - (c:\windows\wininit.bak)
(name) (type) (size)(modified)(time)
wininit bak 533 06-07-02 1:13a


WININIT.INI File - (c:\wininit.ini)
(name) (type) (size)(modified)(time)
wininit ini 76 12-11-01 12:01p

Screen Saver Settings (Possible system.ini start-up)


- Supplemental Environment Information -


File - c:\Wininit.ini
File - c:\windows\Wininit.bak
File - c:\windows\deletefi.ini

Ok. CMESys is spyware installed by Gator. Do you still have Gator installed? I don't see it in your Startlog. If yes I would remove it and it's spyware. See this if you like:

Ad-aware which is free will remove the spyware for you. It might be part of the cause of your problem.

If you like Gator you could use Roboform instead. It apparently has no spyware and they have a Gator converter to convert your Gator data to Roboform.

Also, go into msconfig and uncheck Filescan and LoadQM:



MSMSGS"="\"C:\\Program Files\\Messenger\\msmsgs.exe\" /background

I don't use it but I hear that Messenger is a resource hog. Prevent it from loading at startup and see if that helps resolve the problem any. You can't do it through msconfig. I happened to see these directions on another board but I don't know how accurate they are:

"Open Msn Messenger then right click on your name at the top...go to personal settings>Preferences> uncheck run this program when windows starts. Or Tools, Options, Preferences, unckeck 'Run this program when Windows starts'."

I wonder if active desktop could be causing some of your problem. Disable it and see if that has any effect.

Do all that then restart the computer and see where your resources are and if that helped resolve the problem any.
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