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Continuous Forms

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Technical User
Jan 7, 2003
I am currently working on a database that tracks dog pedigrees.
I have a form that I enter dog (Star), Sire (father)Jake, and Dam (mother)Shadow. When completing the form it stop at the information. Meaning.

I enter Star's information and when I get to end of form, instead of rolling to next record (Jake) . . . I have to close the form and reopen to get to Jake's and Shadow's record.

Is there a way to "refresh" the form and table so I don't have to keep closing and reopening the form?

I hope this made sense.
I am using Window's XP with Access 2K on it.

Thank you for your assistance.

This would be a single form. No sub forms involved. Thank you for the heads up. I tried creating a refresh button but it didn't work the way I would like it to. I will give your idea a shot. I will clue you in to if it worked or not?

Thanx :)

ME.Refresh on the final field of the form didn't work. Any other clues??
Should anyone have any ideas regarding this issue your assistance would be greatly appreciated. should you care for me to send you my database to understand it better I would be happy to send it to you. thank you once again for your assistance and ideas.


In database window select "Tools" -> "Options".
Then, select the "Keyboard" tab.
In "Move after Enter" click on "Next Record".

Then, when you touch the "Enter" key after the last control in a record, it moves to the next record.


[glasses][tt]Gus Brunston - Access2000(DAO Intermediate skills.
Webmaster: www.rentdex.com[/tt]
Thank you Zameer. . . I will do that this eve when I get home. :) I appreciated your assistance.

Gus. . . Thank you for the information and I will give that a try also. I know Design but when it comes to VBA and or learning other options etc I am still a novice. My last Field actually is an optional field. It is an OLE object field to ad pictures of the dog. (The object is to track the progression of growth for the particular dog.) If no information is added to this field at this time will this option still work tabbing through?

Yes, if the control's tab stop property is set to "Yes" and if the control's tab stop is the last in the tab order list.

None of this is VBA or Visual Basic. It is stuff you must become familiar with if you want to mess around with a database, your's or someone else's.

Most people I know working in Access have at least two (I have five) manuals that they keep referring to after years' of work. Any "novice" (your word) needs to study how to set a form's "Tab Order", and you have to become familiar with ALL the tabs in the property sheet, for forms and controls, and the properties of queries. Everyone has had to start at the beginning and if any of us are more skilled that others it was through study, practice and repitition. I knew NOTHING when I first logged on to Tek-Tips. It has been my best resource. It won't be long before you'll save enough time that you'll be writing code in VBA and want to assist others. Most of what I know I learned right here from people like Ken Reay, Gordon Hubbell, Ricky Hicks, Michael Red, etc., etc. Stick with it, knowing that if you're going to do this, it's going to take some study time and practice like anything that is worthwhile. Now that the sermon is over, we'll sing "Give me that ol' time religion!"


[glasses][tt]Gus Brunston - Access2000(DAO Intermediate skills.
Webmaster: www.rentdex.com[/tt]
Me again.

By the way, I have a manual "Access 2000 Bible". It came with a disk containing a complete and very extensive db for a veterinary clinic. Thought you might like to know, in the event you're a vet.

[glasses][tt]Gus Brunston - Access2000(DAO Intermediate skills.
Webmaster: www.rentdex.com[/tt]
Thank you for the information. It is muchly appreciated. :) I will look into the Access 2000 bible. I will check out the db to see if I can get any ideas etc.

I am not a book learner (I usually have to be shown a couple time and have someone with me to pound the answers to my qustions in my head) :) so it will be a bit of a challenge but methinks I am up to it. :) I am not a vet but I do breed dogs.

Nothing wrong with "Novice" as we all have to start somewhere. :)

Once again thank you for your time and information. It is muchly appreciated. :)

Well it didn't work. not sure what the problem is. For some reason it seems to not see the Parent of the initial or new Dog unless the form has been closed or reopened. The table has their parents in it but the form will not read their parents as the following records until it has been closed and then opened again.

Thanx for you for you assistance.
Dear t:

We can do this!

It’s time for me to understand more about the structure of your database (I’m sure that’s why Zameer suggested you send him your db. Did you ever do that?) Bear with me while I think out loud (so to speak).

How many tables?

Are you working with one table, e.g. “Dogs”? Or, do you have separate tables for “Sires” and “Dams”? Once the table(s) are designed to contain all the information you expect to need about each dog, manipulating the data in queries, forms and reports comes next.

If separate tables:

Each dog, whether Sire, Dam or Pup ought to have a unique primary key to identify it. That key ought to be a number (long, integer or byte). If this database is on a single computer, the autonumber data type is probably best but not required.

tblSires contains all data about sires.
tblDams contains all data about dams.
tblPups contains all data about pups.

Records in tblPups can eventually be duplicated in tblSires or tblDams.

There would be a one-to-many relationship between tblSires and tblPups. One sire, many pups.

There would be a one-to-many relationship between tblDams and tblPups. One dam, many pups.

There would be a many-to-many relationship between tblDams and tblSires. Or are these dogs monogamous?

If the tables contain identical data types, you could design a form for entering data record about a dog, with a different data row source depending on whether this particular dog is sire, dam or pup, the records being saved in the appropriate table.

If one table:

If all dogs are in the same table, queries, forms and reports would be different than if there were more than one table.

One or separate tables?

So for the present, just let me know if there are separate tables for sires, dams and pups, or just one table for all dogs. Just that.

If you want to send your database:

Alternatively if you would like to send your database so I can look at it, I can open a temporary folder in an online account where you can upload it. I should know how you are connected to the internet: 56k modem, cable, dsl or? Uploading a 5mb database over a 56k modem would take 15-20 minutes, I’m guessing. If you want to send just one, two or three tables, you could open a new database, import the tables from your main database, and upload the newly created, barebones database.

In any case, are there three tables or one? After that, I can think more clearly about your form problem.


[glasses][tt]Gus Brunston - Access2000(DAO Intermediate skills.
Webmaster: www.rentdex.com[/tt]

I just remembered that you're using Windows XP.

If you want me to look directly at your database, I could do it with XP's "remote desktop" feature.

1) You would copy your database to one you could share with me. (Your original db would remain intact.)

2) You set the sharing property to "share" for the folder containing the new database only.

3) Using your Access 2000, I could open the database and experience the problem you'er having.

4) I could work on the new database, leaving a log of changes I had made along with comments.

2) you would set your OS so that I could log on using "remote desktop".

To log on to your computer I would have to know the IP address. Don't put this on the internet, but if you decide to try this send it to me in email. And you would have to set your XP to allow a remote logon. I know that XP Professional has easily followed "Help" about how to do this.

Let me know.


[glasses][tt]Gus Brunston - Access2000(DAO Intermediate skills.
Webmaster: www.rentdex.com[/tt]
Gus thank you for your reply, your assistance is greatly appreciated. I can Send you database and will do my best at answering your questions.

I currently have one Dogs table. Pertenant information is below. As there are more fields, however the important relationship regarding this issue is as below. Dogs table is Set up is as follows:
1 Star 2 3
2 Jake 4 5
3 Shadow 6 7
4 Billy 8 9
5 Mary 10 11
6 Joe 12 13
7 Susan 14 15

Currently, putting all the information about Star (the first dog or if I start with a new dog not in the database) Jake and Shadow doesn't show up as the next record until I close the form and reopen it again.

I can send you my database when I get home, It is very small as I am trying to work out kinks etc first, before putting too much information.
I have DSL.
I am on XP home edition.
t_galownia@hotmail.com is my email address. If you want, you can send information there. I could call you and we could set up remote session or figure out best plan of attack. :) Please send me your email address (and number if you don't mind my calling as I find it easier to communicate and understand verbally than reading. That way if I have questions I can cop a clue at that time. But it is up to you.)

thank you once again.


Did you get the problem resolved?

I have a vested interest as I breed Labrador Retrievers and have been thinking that a database is needed. I started, but it's very basic to keep track of customers, prospective customers, litters, etc. My effort is modest, keeping it as simple as possible.

Yes this has been completed well atleast this part. . . I am attempting to keep it simple myself. . . There is software out there that I have seen. . I haven't played with it all that much. Man's Best Friend is one I believe. May care to do a search on the net. I believe that would suit your needs much better than what I have at this time. Please let me know how your search goes. If not well clue me in I have been under family emergency lately so have very little time but somethings are starting to slow down so I may be able to work on it a lil more.
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