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Continuation of Thread 669-865915-Posting of the code

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Sep 26, 2003
I've written a Database that imports raw data from a mainframe general ledger system which includes account number, cost center, office, product, etc. and the balance from the previous end of month. The purpose of this system is to create a workbook for each department in the organization based upon the GL accounts that they have reponsibility to reconcile. There are approximately 12,000 GL accounts spread out amongst 20 or so departments. The user has a form that shows all the departments in the database and he(she) can select or many to export to excel. The code that accomplishes this basically captures the DeptID field from the Master and selects all the records in the Reconcilation file associated with it and builds a spreadsheet for that department to be emailed to them. It loops until all the selected departments are finished and builds a separate workbook in a folder on the harddrive.

Originally, I did all the formatting of the excel cells in the code module. I'll attach a copy of the spreadsheet. The entire process takes about 45 minutes which is quite lengthy, but I didn't have a better way to do this.

I am attempting to eliminate inline formatting of excel cells by using a blank template which is pre-formatted, then query the data from Access to dump into the appropriate cell range A6:I6 and down however many rows are necessary depending on the records returned by the query.

The next step is to save the template workbook as a separate workbook using the department name, thus preserving the integrity of the template. I'll highlight the piece of code that is not working. Got this from a book that a brief example of office automation, and I am trying to see if this change in philosophy will speed up the export process. I believe Omega mentioned that excel runs as an out of process server, which made me think the formatting of the cells in code was dragging down the whole scheme. If you guys could look at this and offer some insight on a better way to do this, I'd appreciate. Hope I've explained the purpose and provided enough information.

Private Sub BuildExportQuery(lngDeptID As Long)

On Error GoTo BuildExportQuery_Err

' Object Variables for Automation
Dim objXLApp As Excel.Application
Dim objXLBook As Excel.Workbook
Dim objXLSheet As Excel.Worksheet
Dim objXLRange As Excel.Range
Dim strWhere As String
Dim sSQL As String
Dim qdf As QueryDef
Dim rstAccounts As Recordset
Dim dbThis As Database
Dim varResults As Variant
Dim varReturn As Variant
Dim strDept As String

Const XLSName = "Template.XLS"
Const XLSPath = "C:\Reconciliation\"

'Check to see if Reconciliation folder is set up on the PC
'If not, create a folder to use to save the spread sheets
If Not Dir("C:\Reconciliation\nul", vbNormal) <> "" Then
MkDir ("C:\Reconciliation\")
End If

strPath = ("C:\Reconciliation\")

' Go Ahead and create an object from the XLS Template File
Set objXLBook = GetObject(XLSPath & XLSName)
Set objXLApp = objXLBook.Parent
Set objXLSheet = objXLBook.Worksheets("Sheet1")

objXLApp.Visible = True
objXLBook.Windows(1).Visible = True

'Build dynamic export query
strWhere = "Dept_T.Dept_ID = " & lngDeptID & ""
sSQL = "SELECT ReconMaster.Office, ReconMaster.Center AS [Cost Center]," & _
" ReconMaster.Account AS [Account Number], ReconMaster.Product" & _
" AS [Type], Account_T.Name AS Description," & _
" ReconMaster.Balance, Associate_T.Resp_Associate" & _
" AS [Resp By], Prepared_T.Associate" & _
" AS [Prep By], Reviewed_T.Rev_Associate" & _
" AS [Rev By], ReconMaster.Y, ReconMaster.Blank," & _
" ReconMaster.N, ReconMaster.Difference," & _
" ReconMaster.[30-89DAYS_Drs], ReconMaster.Blank1," & _
" ReconMaster.[30-89DAYS_Crs], ReconMaster.[>25K_Drs]," & _
" ReconMaster.Blank2, ReconMaster.[>25K_Crs]," & _
" ReconMaster.[>90DAYS_Drs], ReconMaster.Blank3," & _
" ReconMaster.[>90DAYS_Crs], Dept_T.Dept, Bcr_T.Current_Company, Bcr_T.SystemDate "
sSQL = sSQL & "FROM Bcr_T, Account_T INNER JOIN (Reviewed_T "
sSQL = sSQL & "INNER JOIN (Appl_T " & _
"INNER JOIN (Prepared_T " & _
"INNER JOIN (Dept_T " & _
"INNER JOIN (Associate_T " & _
"INNER JOIN ReconMaster "
sSQL = sSQL & "ON Associate_T.Resp_ID=ReconMaster.Resp_ID) " & _
"ON Dept_T.Dept_ID=ReconMaster.Dept_ID) " & _
"ON Prepared_T.Prep_ID=ReconMaster.Prep_ID) " & _
"ON Appl_T.Appl_ID=ReconMaster.Appl_ID) " & _
"ON Reviewed_T.Rev_ID=ReconMaster.Rev_ID) " & _
"ON Account_T.Account=ReconMaster.Account "
sSQL = sSQL & "WHERE " & strWhere & " ORDER BY Appl_T.Appl_ID, ReconMaster.Account," & _
" ReconMaster.Office, ReconMaster.Center, ReconMaster.Product"

'Check for a change in query and replace the above query in the database

Set dbThis = CurrentDb
Set qdf = dbThis.QueryDefs("qryExport")
qdf.Sql = sSQL

Set rstAccounts = dbThis.OpenRecordset("qryExport")

'If no records in the query, do not export workbook
If rstAccounts.RecordCount = 0 Then Exit Sub 'No selected records

varResults = rstAccounts.GetRows(31)

Set objXLRange = objXLSheet.Range("A6:I" & 6 + UBound(varResults, 2))
objXLRange.FormulaArray = objXLApp.Transpose(varResults)

objXLSheet.SaveAs strDept
objXLBook.SaveAs XLSPath & strDept & ".XLS"

'strBank = objRS!Current_Company 'Save Bank Name
'strDate = objRS!SystemDate 'Save Recon Date
varReturn = SysCmd(acSysCmdSetStatus, "Now exporting Department..." & strDept)

Exit Sub

MsgBox ("The following error occurred, " & Err.Number & " " & Err.Description)
xl.ActiveWorkbook.Close True, strPath & strDept & ".XLS"
Set xl = Nothing

End Sub

The error I'm getting is #13 data type mismatch after execution of the objXLRange.FormulaArray statement above.

Is there a way to upload the template workbook for you to see? If so let me how to do it.
Two things immediately pop up. First of all, the variable strDept is not initialized and it it (should be?) the filename that you're trying to save to.

Secondly, why are you saving the Worksheet using the .SaveAs Method?

Good Luck
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That was an oversight. I had ripped out all the formatting code and must have forgot to put back in the piece where the strDept gets loaded. Good Point on the worksheet save as. I meant to rename the worksheet to the department name. Sorry. I hadn't gotten down that far in trapping the errors.
Couple of additional things. Transpose is not a method of any of the Excel objects, but rather is a Worksheet function. The proper way to invoke it would be as follows:


Good Luck
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As a circle of light increases so does the circumference of darkness around it. - Albert Einstein
I found the problem. Has to do with the query. I had some fields that were stored in the Master Table strictly to take up a column on the worksheet. See Reconmaster.Blank1 above. These were coming across as nulls, throwing the Error 13. But thats not all of it. I Tag on the Department Name, Bank Name, and Reconcile Dates from the query, because they go in Cell A1(Bank Name) strBank. strDept is used to name the worksheet and strDate is Date on the spreadsheet from the endofmonth. Problem is those three fields will be on every record, but are only needed once to fill in a certain cell. The records themselves start in a6 through i6 and down. No way to handle the additional three fields on the pre-formatted worksheet. This may not make any sense, but if you saw this pre-formatted sheet, there are columns that would be blank. The only way I see for this to work is to eliminate the last three fields then the getrows will work for the main crux of the data. The user would to have to edit in every single workbook to key in Date and Bank Name/DeptName. Good thought though. Sure appreciate your help and critique. I think if you saw the template worksheet, the code above would make more sense.
Glad that you got it worked out.

Good Luck
To get the most from your Tek-Tips experience, please read FAQ181-2886
As a circle of light increases so does the circumference of darkness around it. - Albert Einstein
One 'glaring' speed issue is the use of the 'raw' SQL string as the recordsource. Ms. A. ALWAYS has to stop, and think its' way through these, and yours is sufficiently complex to make is think a while. Instantating the query as a save (e.g. COMPILED) query withj just the parameter would help. You instantiate the qdf in much the same manner, assign the parameter value(s) and then generate the recordset based on the qdf. Also saves a few lines of text / code for the SQL string generation.


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