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Constant rebooting 5

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Jun 22, 2001
Hi All,

I have a computer that I put together, Epox MB, AMD Athlon 1Ghz processor, 512 RAM. The problem is it keeps rebooting on it's own. The only thing that makes me suspect XP is because it didn't do it when Win2k was loaded on it. However I'm not sure what other factors could be affecting it besides the O/S. Wear and tear, increased demand on the processor and so on.

Thanks in advance for any suggestions.


This is definatly an xp compatibility with drivers issue.
As there are no issues of this sort with 98 me or 2000.
also i have noticed some manufactures listing xp drivers separate from 2000 drivers.
I think microsoft has left it to the hardware manufactures to revise there drivers instead of making xp compatible with existing drivers ie 2000 drivers.
Mean while bill sits on his money pile.

Joe Momma
Based on advice in recent messages that I should install drivers from the graphics card manufacturer, I did so. Apparently, my nVidia RIVA TNT2 64M was manufactured by a company called InnoVision (inno3d.com), so I installed the drivers from their website. Now it seems I'm getting even more frequent blue screens than before. I've already had two in a single afternoon (IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL and DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL).

This is the only driver on my system that is not from Microsoft. All of my other drivers are as they came with XP or from Windows update, and are digitally signed.
i have the same blue screen/rebooting problems, only i notice a specific pattern. it only started happening after i installed my modem, and only works when im accesing the modem (establishing connection or dropping connection). im running win2k, and im using the drivers from the disk that came with the modem. my problem is, when trying to get updated drivers, i dont know which ones to get, since the box says compusa, and the chipset says conexant, and the conexant site points me to a bunch of other vendor sites, and i dont know what model modem im supposed to be looking for, blah blah blah. i think i might just have to tolerate it until i get back to an ethernet connection somewhere and can pop the modem out once and for all.
first you have to make sure your vendor driver supports win xp or your os.
if not then yank the card.
your issue sounds like more than one driver issue.
so your gonna have to play a little to find the causes.
i would start with the c-media drivers if you have onboard sound.
pull and all the cards and there drivers but your geforce.
and work on it first after making sure your onboard drivers are compatible.
i am running a geforce2 mx with win update chaintech driver and its fine.
but i would get reboot when running win update c-media drivers so i got the c media drivers from asus.com.
get the picture its hit and miss.
the problem with the geforce as we are all finding out is there junk.
one brand may be compatible the next may be junk.
when i upgrade ill buy the radeon.
hmm i get the same errors.
after looking at suggestions i did ALL the windows updates.

fix? no!!

i couldnt even get back into the system, had to run safemode and roll back to before the update.


still rebooting on some games, DRIVER_IRQL_LESS_THAN
error. I've tried Iwill XP333, Soyo Dragon Plus, putting in
a MSI KT3 Ultra tommorow (a friend had better results with it) I really hope this resolves it.
Immediately after my previous message in this thread, I uninstalled manufacturer's drivers for my NVIDIA TNT2 graphics card, and I am back to the drivers supplied with Windows XP. Since I did that, my computer hasn't rebooted once.

So, for me, the following seems to have done the trick:
- installing all the latest updates, including the AMD update from Microsoft;
- NOT installing NVIDIA's (unsigned) drivers, but keeping the (signed) drivers supplied with Windows XP.

The problem is that Microsoft's drivers only support a refresh frequency of 75 Hz, and my eyes already hurt because of that... So I'm switching to an ATI graphics card today.
I need help.

My Computer just keeps rebooting after I Install XP.
It Wont just Start. Just Rebooting and Rebooting
My computer is...

750 MHZ Pentium 3 processor
256 MB RAM
Voodoo Banshee
BIO ( I think It's outdated )

Iam also having the same problem my system crashes before it use to crash with blue screen now its just shutting down without any error sign.

iam using a Laptop Acer 730 128 MB RAM 20 GB Hard disk. in the event viewer the Event ID is 1102 C:\\WINNT:\system32\iasperf.dll. it is missing or mis-configured.

Please Help Me i cant work for atleast 10 minutes on my PC. regarding my bios i cant even flash it when i put the floppy it says remove the floppy and press any key. its not booting up from the floppy.

I can provide you with all the errors in event manager. i really need help and urgent so that i can do something before they format it an reinstall everything.

Hope someone help me soon...

As i said in another thread, i get the reboots and the errors. I've got DDR and XP and NVIDIA. But this all started after my PC got crushed during transportation. I tend to think it's a physical damage, and it's probably either RAM or mobo. By the way, the BSOD gives the .sys file that's causing problems. it's a different one every time. It's been nvidia, and microsoft, and some other weird .sys files.

This can't be new software, and this can't be any changes in hardware simply because I am absolutely sure I haven't changed anything for at least a month. This definitely started after crushing... Did something similar happen to you?
Hi I've just read all the posts in this thread and apart from one instance all of these rebooting problems only happen on comps with AMD cpu's and winXP. I havent seen all the peepz with intel chips joining this thread and making similar complaints. Should we be reading something into this or am i way off the mark?
Hi, I seem to be a typical case of the above thread, we have to look at this - i have,

256 mb RAM
Gforce2 MMX
Windows XP

about to download AMD update from microsoft then follow process of elimination regarding the graphics card and drivers - it's there , just a question of slowly finding the right configuration
When a system randomly reboots, Windows may have time to write an entry into the event log, but it also may not. For an alternative method of tracing the source of the problem, do the following:

Right-click on "my computer". Select "properties" fromt he menu. Click on the "advanced" tab. Under "startup and recovery" click "settings". Now in the section "system failure" un-check "automatically restart".

With this done, the system should not simply re-boot, but will instead display an error screen with a blue background, and wait for you to manually re-start. On this error screen there will be a lot of information about the error. Use the search at to try and track down the source of the problem based on this information screen. One key element of the information screen will be the stop error number. example: OxOOOOOO7E (OxcOOOOOOO5, OxFC7F1945, OxFC9589BO, OxFC9586Bo)

In this example, I would go to and enter "stop 0x7E" in the search field, then manually examine each of the results to determine if an appropriate troubleshooting article exists for my specific situation.
Wow, a lot of excellent advice... Concerning the Hauppage WinTV you indicate having...

I too had the constant reboot problem on my initial installation of XP Pro... at the time, my Hauppage WinTV driver(s) did not meet XP's Acceptibility Criteria and Hauppage WinTV's Web Site indicated that Hauppage WinTV was NOT compatible with XP and offered a Beta Driver fix... Having just making a current look at: again, I see that they have this XP problem linked to a FAQ regarding this very issue

Even if one or several other suggestions give by others did help the problem you were having.... you might also go to Hauppage WinTV Website ( get the latest drivers. While I found the solution a bit convaluted, I did eventually get my wintv working satisfactorily again...

Great Suggestions: All....
OK, some generalisation of the problem:

[li]It mainly happens on AMD & NVIDIA & DDR & XP setups, but there are exceptions. (ockerb, see Aug 6 - that's a PIII)[/li]

[li]A lot of it is incompatible hardware. I have read microsoft info on all these errors, here are short summaries:[/li]
[ol][li]PAGE_FAULT_IN_NON_PAGED_AREA (STOP 0x50). This means that something tries to access memory it shouldn't. Suggested cause - incompatible hardware or drivers.[/li]
[li]IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL (STOP 0x0A). Again, accessing the wrong memory area. Suggested cause: driver problems, hardware problems.[/li]
[li]DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL (STOP 0xD1). This doesn't seem to be widespread. Microsoft say something about RAID and USB and that it's fixed in SP1.[/li]
[li]STOP 0x8E (no special name). Not much about this error. Suggested cause: faulty RAM.[/li]
[li]STOP 0x7F (UNEXPECTED_KERNEL_MODE_TRAP, although this sometimes isn't displayed). Looks like Microsoft don't know :) but they think it's hardware fault. In this particular case (unlike in 0x50 or 0x0A) they don't think it could be software or drivers. I recommend reading Q314102 article in the Knowledge Base[/li]

I get all of these errors from time to time. The following errors I don't get but they are mentioned in this thread:

[li]MULTIPLE_IRP_COMPATIBLE_REQUESTS. No help on Microsoft Support[/li]
[li]BAD_POOL_CALLER (STOP 0xC2). Another one of those 'driver accessing memory incorrectly'. BUT this one has info to locate the driver. Knowledge base article Q314492.[/li]
[li]PFN_LIST_CORRUPT. No help on Microsoft Support[/li]

[li]Service Pack 1 for XP may fix some problems but not all.[/li]

[li]Downloading latest drivers may fix some problems but not all.[/li]

[li]The STOP may occur in nv4_disp.dll or win32k.sys (seen both myself). But usually it doesn't say where it is.[/li]

Trying to solve this by elimination:
[li]Install all software upgrades. This includes WinXP SP1 and new drivers. This doesn't help me -> it's probably hardware.[/li]
[li]Disconnect everything I don't need. Leave: Mobo+CPU, RAM, HDD, Video card. Still crashes.[/li]
[li]Replace my AGP GeForce 4 with a 5(ish) years old PCI Diamond Viper SE. Still crashes -> it's not videocard that's causing it!. (NOTE that it took about 1 hour with PCI card before it crashed for the first time).[/li]
[li]Luckily my mobo supports DDR and SD RAM, so I disconnect my DDR module and plug in two SD modules (taken out from a perfectly working PC running XP). Again, this doesn't help -> it's not RAM's fault.[/li]
[li]The two things left are Mobo+CPU and HDD. I really don't think it's HDD.[/li]
[li]Conclusion - It must be motherboard or cpu.[/li]

I remember reading something about winXP driver(!) for Athlon XP cpu's, but I cannot find it anywhere on the web. If someone knows where it is, please post a link here.

Or, this could be damaged motherboard (which explains my case - all this started after some improper handling of my PC by Austrian Airlines :) ).

The only thing that goes against this conclusion is the fact that this doesn't seem to happen under other OS'es. I will try reinstalling XP tonight, I'll tell you if it helps.

It would really help if people tried carrying out a similar elimination procedure and posted results here..
Hi all,

Duron 1.1ghz
256 mb ram
Gforce 2 mmx 400 graphics card

Having reformatted my hard drive clean on friday 18/10 and reinstalling windows XP pro I have been every so slowly trying to figure out whats wrong.

The machine has nothing but the basic XP desktop, no microsoft office just the front page that came with it.It's bare and quick. (it's a lovely feeling)

It did not restart once over a 24 hour period (remember running XP standard graphics drivers)

3 Hours after installing NVIDIA drivers , my pc crashed (restarted) !! doing a few more tests before i roll back the drivers to XP ones - let you know on Monday 21st

What we are forgetting here is that this problem may be caused by different things. Or, to be more accurate, these symptoms may appear due to different problems. In some cases it's the drivers, in some cases - hardware.

My case: this is definitely faulty motherboard. It's not XP because I tried to install 2000 and I get the same BSODs. So, problem is solved for me - just replace the motherboard (I hope they will do it for free because it's on warranty).

In the case with gavski1, Thaya1088, denisbider it looks like the problem was indeed in the drivers.

Conclusion: if you get your system rebooting randomly, do the following:

1. Get all the SPs and patches, and all the newest drivers. See if it helps.

2. If it doesn't, disconnect all the hardware you can, uninstall all drivers (you may need to delete a few *.inf files to prevent WinXP installing them back automatically - there's info about this on Microsoft Support's web site).

3. If this still happens, try a different OS (ok, this is time consuming, so it may not be worth it).

4. If the problem persists, try to replace your graphics card, RAM, or even the CPU if you can. Try inserting them in different slots. If you get a stable combination then you will know where the problem is.

5. If you are still having problems, it's got to be the motherboard. Updating BIOS could help, but if it doesn't - it's probably a physical damage.

Is there something I left out or forgot about?

Well all that time re-formatting and reinstalling XP has been a waste of time, my problem persists.

But on the plus side having not a lot on my machine and only a small amount of hardware, I'm now gonna try a few of the excelent tips given above by RS387.

I will keep you informed

I had the exact same problems:
ACPI/AMLI/IRQ etc etc.
I flashed/updated BIOS, downloaded all pathches, updated all drivers. Nothing worked until:

I changed the FAN ON THE HEAT SINK.

It turned out to be a heating/cooling problem.
The guy who fixed it said that he saw many of those problems with the AMD chips.

To say the least; I am happy and since then, my PC has been humming along, no reboots.
I've seen a couple of rebooting problems fixed by changing the system fan. Well, it may help you, but probably not the other people. I would be glad to try this on my machine but I already have a huge Maxtron double fan, and I can't imagine anything bigger except for a liquid nitrogen cooler:). My mobo has temperature sensors, but even assuming they're inaccurate, I would say it's no more than 50 C by touching it. The cpu should be able to cope with that.

Oh, if someone does know a bigger fan than the Maxtron double fan, please tell me, I will try that out.
Got to be motherboard,(AMD duron 1.1gig), I tried everything, yesterday i stripped the machine down, interchanged RAM sticks, removed Gforce mx400, no joy,

On the other hand in one last desparate attempt, I have taken the trouble to re-format my drive (again) and installed XP Home edition, Been on 3 hours now from install, no reboot, just installed it and immediately got all updates, I'm hoping but not getting excited, will let you all know,

ps - (rs387) Big up that fan!! (sweet)
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