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Constant rebooting 5

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Jun 22, 2001
Hi All,

I have a computer that I put together, Epox MB, AMD Athlon 1Ghz processor, 512 RAM. The problem is it keeps rebooting on it's own. The only thing that makes me suspect XP is because it didn't do it when Win2k was loaded on it. However I'm not sure what other factors could be affecting it besides the O/S. Wear and tear, increased demand on the processor and so on.

Thanks in advance for any suggestions.


I had very similar problems when i first installed XP. But i persevered and DOWNLOADED ALL THE XP UPDATES from ms website. and updated ALL my drivers. No problems since!
I'm assuming all of you who are blaming XP have actually tried this!![mad]
I tried this ages ago, as I always keep my system uptodate with all the latest drivers and patches.
yep, tried it myself. I have been checking for additional updates at least every 3 days since installing XP some months ago. I also made sure I hade the latest drivers for all of my hardware (which I also check on a regular basis ...). To be honest I wouldn't even come here looking for an answer if I hadn't already made sure that all the updates had been installed properly first. As I am sure most people here would also do. Even with a bare install (minimum hardware, XP, update all drivers and XP) I rarely get to use XP for more than a few hours before a BSOD or reboot occurs. So yes caffrinho, I have, and continue to do my part, MS needs to get on the ball and figure this out, soon.
I don't have the rebooting problems and I don't have the semi-freeze problems* but I do get the two error messages in the Event Viewer.

I have all the latest (windows and other) updates and bios updates (for my Expox EP-7KXA which has 784 MB PC-133 Memory, Slot A AMD 700 (the big cased chip), an nVidia GEForce MX 400, an Adaptec 2940 UW card, an HP 9200i SCSI CD burner, a Zoom 56K pci modem). The latest bios on Epox site is 0725 for this board but the board has 08/09/01 date on the bios.

*I do have the semi-freeze problems when I try to format or run chkdsk /f on either of the 2 Samsung 2046D 20 GB drives (5400rpm) in Windows 2000 or XP. I have two other drives, an IBM ata100 46GB drive, and a quantum ata100 40 gb drive (keeping in mind the board runs at 66mhz), both of the ata100 drives are 7200 rpm. I put 1 5400 rpm drive with 1 7200 rpm drive on each IDE channel. I was told to get the ide card and put 1 set of the drives on it (though I haven't done that yet).

Is there a via update or does anyone know of an Epox update? I thought upgrading to a different motherboard but from reading here, that would seem mute.
Hmmm, just tried using Win2k on my 2nd HDD to see if that solves my problem and it does it in 2K as well, in fact it crashed before setup had even finished. So now I've switched back to my 1st HDD as being the boot drive, formatted the 2nd HDD and started to transfer my data back onto it and then it came up with an error in accessing the hard disk. Folders that were already there emptied themselves, and after a restart the partition had gone!! I've virus checked my system, but no virus found. I wonder if it's related to the ACPI, and other errors I've previously had...
I have the same reboot problem too, it started some weeks ago. Formating does not help... What can this be...
Try to uninstall the update with this name: Q317277

Start> Control Panel> Add or Remove Programs
Windows XP Hotfix (SP1) [See Q317277 form more info]
--------------------------------------------------------- (or something like that)

This update should prevent this happen, but give it a try....

I can't tell you if it works untill to tommorow, but untill then you just have to live with rebooting computers.
I've had similar hanging & rebooting experiences with my venerable Asus P3B-F Mb Celeron 500 with a first-gen Geforce card. Even the page fault error is similar to DavidPaul's one. But my crashing & rebooting is different because it freezes after a couple of seconds when playing Bink-videos.

First I switched my Geforce to a different one. Secondly I downloaded every imaginable XP update. Then, I rearranged the cards in the slots. Then I formatted my HD and installed tried installing Win98 back, but the setup program started crashing. I even used a memory diagnostics program which said that there was nothing wrong. Finally I replaced my memory with a new one but still it crashes & reboots!

I'm beginning to believe that this means that my motherboard has blown its cache or something.

PS. My system especially likes to crash when I'm playing
Operation Flashpoint =(
KA266-R, GF3, WinXP, and I have these problems too...

I've tried a dozen different detonator drivers (being its related to the gf) to make sure that wasn't the cause. Its obvious its related to motherboards not compatible with winxp. Even worse, many of the MB manufactors will not update the bios any longer so we are screwed from that aspect. I've read some things about the ability to disable this ACPI, but still unsure how.

There's gotta be a way to fix this... ?
I have the same problem with my system. It reboots for no apparent reason.
This has only started since I have had Windows XP, first of all i thought it was bad ram but it wasnt and everything in that department was fine.
I turned of "Automatically Reboot When System Failures" to get the error code and i this file is the problem: Win32k.sys
I read SnillMart's comment about uninstalling the update and i did so. I thought it solved the problem because it didnt restart for 1 day but today it restarted.

Has anyone got any suggestions as to how i can fix the problem?
thx :)
I also get the same BSOD messages. I have an Iwill KA266-R, latest bios, all XP updates, 23.11 NVidia drivers, GeForce2 MX, 256 PC2100 DDR. I used to get the ACPI events and crashes as well until I re-installed with ACPI disabled. I managed to find a modified bios with the option to disable ACPI, that helps. Seems the Bios was trying to do stuff that XP was trying to control and the only answer was a fixed bios. I've tried all the different NVidia drivers, changing every possible setting, no joy. Just on the verge of ordering a new mobo..
I have a dual 1600mp athlon with geforce2mx, realtek net rtl8139, asus pci usb, asus a7m266-d mother, 256 registered ddr, us robotics 56k modem.
i tryed everything all the xp updates and windows recommended drivers.
switching the periferals , flashing and updating the bios.
still it would reboot when surfing the web using back and forward rapidly in ie or by changing songs in media player or sometimes for nothing that i know of.
finally i think i have found the common thread amungst us (onboard cmedia).
and have fixed the problem for me atleast.
please post if this helps you.
when going to the asus web site to download the latest bios version i noticed the cmedia drivers were singled out for xp.
i did have the latest cmedia drivers from win update installed already so i was skeptical but when i installed the cmedia drivers from asus i could not get the computer to fail.
Hello folks,

I'm also having spontaneous Windows XP rebooting problems on a new system that didn't have any such problems while running Windows 2000.

My motherboard is MSI K7T266 Pro2, the CPU is AMD XP 1700+, I have an nVidia Riva TNT2 M64 with 32MB of RAM, I have 768 MB of DDRAM, a 40GB Maxtor hard drive, and a Realtek RTL8139-family network card.

The instability started very soon after installation. The system would reboot spontaneously during or immediately after installation of a new program or a driver or a Windows hotfix. This happened three times; on the two occasions that the system rebooted before the installation completed, it worked alright the next time around.

Apart from installations, the computer will sometimes also reboot out of the blue. Yesterday I turned off the automatic reboot option so as to see what goes wrong. Since then, there were two failures. On one occasion, the computer simply froze and became unresponsive to keyboard or mouse events. On the other occasion, the blue screen appeared a few seconds after I logged in, stating the error "REGISTRY_ERROR".

There are no entries in my event log corresponding to these incidents. I found no mention of ACPI there.

I installed all critical updates and driver updates from Windows Update, including the AMD fix that has been mentioned in this thread. I also installed the latest drivers from nVidia. I have no idea what else to do.

Should I try replacing my graphics card?
I should probably also mention that I encountered data corruption errors in the time immediately after installation of Windows XP, and also later during the first time I tried to install Visual Studio .NET. The second installation attempt (for VS.NET) worked alright, and I haven't seen any file corruption messages for a few days now.

These file corruption errors seemed strange because I used a test program which I know is dependable to write a 1GB file to disk and then verify it, and the test succeeded - multiple times. Also, there were no such problems under Windows 2000. (Not with this motherboard, at least. I had Ultra DMA data corruption issues with a previous cheapo Matsonic motherboard, which I junked. With the new motherboard under Windows 2000, everything worked fine.)
Hello all the issue to do with the constant rebooting is to do with the video drivers for XP. As someone correctly pointed out the drivers for windows 2k and XP are the same so in theory everything should be fine. I have a Geforce 3 Ti500 installed and have had so for about three months with no crashes, the drivers I use are from creatives site and were behind the ones available from nvidia site.

The revision number of the nvidia drivers was 23.11 whilst the Creatives one that I use is 21.85 dated 19/09/2001. There must of been a reason that creative held back using the newer drivers although I don't know why.

They have just released the 28.32 drivers which are the same as nvidia's. These might be more stable than 23.11 but I'm not willing to give them a go because as the old saying goes if it ain't broke don't fix it. But it might help you lot.
I am currently having rebooting issues also. My HW setup is a Athlon 1ghz, Hercules 32mb MX Gforce. I didn't have the rebooting for no reason problems untill I installed the Gforce. After reading these post I am glad to know that it is not just me. Hopefully a update from Nvdia or Microsoft will come soon.
I believe your discussing the Nvidia infinite loop error with nvidia card based machines and constant rebooting during games, ect. I have a GF3 Ti 200 and before that a GF2 GTS and never had this problem in Win2K or Xp. if I rem correctly it was isolated pretty much to via chipset and nvidia based systems because I did see a fix for this over at a few months back. They were discussing this on The Screen Savers one night and said there was no known fixes and there might not be, but possibly some workarounds to keep you running. If lost search google for "infinite loop error (or bug)". good luck

I a have experienced similar issues on multiple PCs. Here's my 2 cents worth:

nVidia makes the graphics chip, and designs a reference PCB. A different company makes the final PCB which may differ from nVidia's reference. This results in the company testing and releasing device drivers for the card they manufacture, which may differ slightly from nVidia's own drivers. This is done to add non-standard features, or to compensate for any issues which the manufacturer may find.

Also, nVidia (and, I think, all hardware companies) can release device drivers on their web site which may or may not be fully tested on all production boards from the different vendors. Also, the testing and certification process by the Microsoft Windows Hardware Compatibility Labs may not be (and often is not) complete.

As a result, I always make sure to use the latest WHCL certifies drivers available from the board manufacturer, and not from nVidia. This has resulted in a much greater reliablity for me.
I believe the problem is a driver problem.
It can be any board related driver ie modem, video card,lan card or onboard such as pci c-media or usb or lan.
the bottom line is don't use any drivers from microsoft update.
get all updated drivers from your board and hardware web sites.
I repeat do not use the windows update drivers!!!!!!!!
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