Set con = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
con.ConnectionTimeout = 10
con.CommandTimeout = 10
strConnection = "DSN=blab ...;uid=...;pwd=...."
con.Open strConnection
These timeout setting don't work. My query run for 15 seconds and it's not time out. How can I override the timeout on the server? Thanks.
How do I know what version of ASP of the app?
Set con = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
con.ConnectionTimeout = 10
con.CommandTimeout = 10
strConnection = "DSN=blab ...;uid=...;pwd=...."
con.Open strConnection
These timeout setting don't work. My query run for 15 seconds and it's not time out. How can I override the timeout on the server? Thanks.
How do I know what version of ASP of the app?