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Connection Strings for Access 2002

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Jun 19, 2003
Which is the best connection string to use for an database created in Access 2002?

I've been using this one:

strConn = "DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)}; DBQ=" & Server.MapPath("myDB.mdb")
You could use DSN connection to do this. First, create a folder in your web directory called Includes. In this folder create a file called MyDataConnection. It's name will look like this MyDataConnection.inc

Be sure that the extension is .inc. This is what's known as an include file. Now in this file place this copy and past this code:

Dim cmdDC, Recordset, SearchText, Cnt
SearchText = Request.Form(&quot;txtSearchText&quot;)

Set Conn = Server.CreateObject (&quot;ADODB.Connection&quot;)
conn.open &quot;ASPPages2&quot;
Set cmdDC = Server.CreateObject(&quot;ADODB.Command&quot;)
cmdDC.ActiveConnection = Conn


This is your connection code. Now in the page that you will be using to either view or post data to you db, put this at the very top of the page.

<!--#include file=&quot;includes/FTEStaffing.inc&quot;-->

This one like can be used to connect any page in your website to the database. Now after you have done this, at the bottom of this webpage put this code below the html of the page.

'-- Close database and release

Set RecordSet = Nothing

Set cmdDC = Nothing
Set Conn = Nothing

as the notation says, this closes your connection an TAA DAA!! you have your connection. Try it out.
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