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connecting OS X and OS 9.2 Network problem

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Technical User
Jun 3, 2002
Networking OS X Powerbook and OS9.2 G4

I have recently upgraded my laptop to Jaguar , and am now trying to connect the laptop to the G4.

I have enabled all file sharing on both units but still cant connect. I am also a bit confused concerning Apple Networks , am I supposed to use Apple Talk or TCP/IP ?

I have tried enabling tcp/ip on the G4 in the File sharing , but it does not come back with any ip address. The Powerbook has a ip address , i got this from ifconfig -a , but cannot determine what the ip address of the Os 9 is ?

This is very frustrating as I was lead to believe that setting up a home network with Apple was easy ?

Any ideas in what I am doing wrong ? I have enabled file sharing on both , set apple talk on, but not sure this conflicts with tcp /ip



Make sure appletalk is enabled on both computers, and set to go out through the ethernet port. That should be good enough. It does not conflict with tcp/ip. From your OS machine click on appleshare in the chooser, and you should see the OSX machine, or on the OSX machine, select "G0"-->connect to server. YOu should see your os9 machine. Providing you've set up a shared volume and permissions for your user, you can connect and move files back and forth. On OSX you'll only be able to share folders inside your user folder.
Best of luck,

Sorry not a Mac user really , i can set apple Talk but how do you set to go thru ethernet port ?

I have tried the above and they cannot see each other, when i tried Network browser on the OS 9 box it hangs and crashed .

wref: OS X set up on user folder , do you mean not application software but rather other files and folders ?

Cheers in advance

In the OSX Machine. Open system preferences-->sharing
Enable personal file sharing.

System Preferences--->Network. Show: built in etherenet. Click the appletalk tab, enable appletalk. Leave the zone blank and Configure to automatically.

What I meant was that if you connect FROM the os9 computer, the only folders that you will be able to see and do anything with are the USER folder on the OSX machine. You will not have access to the system wide applications folder. So, anything you want to be able to move back and forth will need to be in your OSX user folder. IF you connect to the os9 machine, you can see the whole drive and everything in it if you have the os9 drive shared :)
Best of luck,

thanks for that... i have followed the above and kind of worked out about apple talk on the ethernet , but if i switch off apple talk and try and connect via tcp/ip it fails even though i can ping between the 2 . Is apple talk the best method to share folders by ?
It's the easiest, not necessarily the best. To use TCP/IP without appletalk, you need to either use a DHCP server and router, or manually specify IP address, subnet, etc..

To connect to the G4 via TCP/IP, you need to make sure the option "Enable File Sharing clients to connect over TCP/IP" is checked under the file sharing control panel on the G4. I'm sure you will get varying options depending on who you ask but I tend think TCP/IP is the best way to share folders as long as all machines involved have at least OS 9. As PTMon pointed out it take more work but TCP/IP is standard for most modern operating systems. Also Appletalk is a "chatty" protocol that tends to generate alot of unnessesary network traffic due to broadcast packets. But if your goal is to only get a few files off of the G4 and then turn file sharing off then you would probably be just as well to do it the easy way and stick to Appletalk.
Cheers for the above... I have tried all the above even defined 2 static IP's but as above the OS X (Power book )can ping the OS 9 ( G4 )but when i tried to connect server via X as its the Powerbook that needs access to all th e hard drives on the G4 it fails. In the end i have gone with Apple Talk , it seems to work ok so .

The main reason for the connections is to access large files for processing via FCP ( Final Cut Pro )off the G4 hard drives


If you're making a direct ethernet connection you are using a X over cable aren't you ?
ref X cable yes believe its a cat 5 as sold to us by the apple shop, but will look at the Firewire Target Mode

On a related topic I have a question for all those who have been kind enough to help:

My brother-in-law and I managed to set up sharing on the drive of my powermacG3 (running OS 9.2) I was able to browse the drive from one of my networked PCs no problem. Once we had been thorough in the sharing setup on the mac it worked fine. I tried to connect to mac this week (no changes) and I get a login dialog box. I have entered the Mac's owner name and password but it will not accept it no matter what I do. I have tried changing the owner name and password on the Mac, having no password, adding a new network user and trying login that way, but none has worked since that initial success. The login box always stymies me.

Am I missing something simple in the windows IE setup, or in the mac setup? I swear I have double-checked all the steps on the mac end, but as I am a mac newbie I just don't know for sure. This is a home network on a netgear router with six machines connected. The router and network functions are excellent. PLEEEZ HELLLLLLP!

Email me! dsaunders114@yahoo.com
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