Maybe a stupid question:
I try to connect to Oracle8i using Oracle OLEDB Provider, the connection is successful, however, when I try to build a recordset from the connection using code like that:
rs.Open SqlString, Connection, adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly
It always prompt me following error:
ORA-00911: Invalid character.
I doubt that maybe the error is due to character set, so I build same table in another database with character set of American. (The orginal one is UTF8.) Unfortunately, the same error still occurs. What can I do to deal with the error? Please help.
I try to connect to Oracle8i using Oracle OLEDB Provider, the connection is successful, however, when I try to build a recordset from the connection using code like that:
rs.Open SqlString, Connection, adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly
It always prompt me following error:
ORA-00911: Invalid character.
I doubt that maybe the error is due to character set, so I build same table in another database with character set of American. (The orginal one is UTF8.) Unfortunately, the same error still occurs. What can I do to deal with the error? Please help.