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configuring routing and remote access dialup port problem

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Mar 14, 2002
I've been carefully following the instructions for getting NAT installed onto my win2k server with adsl internet connection to allow machines on my home network to run VPN connections.

Unfortunately I get an error message when trying "To enable routing on ports" as in the instructions.

basically everything is working fine until i come to enable "demand-dial routing connections"
this is in the "routing and remote access" network administrative tool under server-name->ports->properties->configure.
once i have checked the button, hit okay, then get returned to the "ports properties dialog" when applying, or okaying get the message
"The port information cannot be saved.
Cannot complete this function.
which is not very helpful.

This is a win2k server, all the latest patches, and i'm attempting to use an alcatel USB adsl modem as the outgoing port, and doing this as a user with admin privelges.

any help or suggestions, or even howto avoid the error would be greatly appreciated.
thanks in advance

Hi I had the same problem. This solved it for me:

Official reply from Microsoft support:

Research indicates that a something went wrong in the past with the installation of a communication device and this is preventing you from configuring additional modems in RRAS.

Can you try the following steps please: It may be necessary to also completely uninstall the ISDN card if the system regards it as a modem and re-install it later. If the system regards the ISDN hardware as a network card this should not be necessary.

1. Stop RRAS
2. Read through Q269155 and verify if any additional communication devices appear in Device Manager
3. Go to Modems in Control Panel and delete the current modem.
4. Go to the following location in the registry and check to see if any modems are present:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Enum\Root. If any devices are present that are not expected
delete them.
Also go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\{4D36E96D-E325-11CE-B
BFC1-08002BE10318} and delete the remaining 000x keys. A system with no modems
installed doesn't have any subfolders installed there like 0000 or 0001.
Again, delete those 000x regkeys.
Re-boot the machine and test.

Simon van Leeuwen

Im not positive this is exactly the same problem, but I struggled with this for over half a week.

I had no idea it was even related, but there is a setting called 'Ip Routing --> IGMP'. In there for whatever reason my demand-dial interface was set to 'Proxy' instead of 'Router'.

Making sure both interfaces were set to 'Router' solved my problem. I still dont see why we need multicasting enabled for it to work...but it works...
I am having exactly the same problem. I have searched high and low for information, and this is the only thing I have found. The suggested solution given did not work for me. Any more information would be gratefully received.


I was getting the same problem using verizon DSL. I looked everywhere for a solution I eventually found that using 3rd party PPPoE software fixed the problem. I am still having problems getting win2k server to assign dynamic ips. Any help would be much appreciated.

You can try using raspppoe to solve the problem. Go here
Man .. this sux.. I the same issue as well. Unfortunately this page is the only thing I could find. I have gone through the mentioned fixes, but with no success. I am using the Alcatel Speedtouch Modem.

If anyone else can help it would be great
I found no way around this problem despite reinstalling windows, latest service pack, and upgrading to the latest modem drivers.
The problem was always there that i couldn't get the NAT working. The unhelpful and uninformative windows error message could not be looked up anywahere.

In the meantime new open source usb drivers for the alcatel speedtouch for Linux have been released at.
I've now moved the router onto my linux box, it required quite a bit of fiddling about. But it does at least work as advertised - in the end.

So, I was not able to find an answer. apart from Linux. but on an NT server formum thats probably not a lot of help. sorry....
Sorry this is a long post... but if it works for you, itll be worth it :)

I too have been having the same issue, and it has cost me a lot of coffee.

My specific issue is that when I go into the ports properties dialogue, my adsl usb modem shows up as having 4294967295 ports, I select this and click configure, where it shows maximum ports as "-1", which cannot be changed. When I click on ok I get "The number of available ports must be between -1 and -1" and clicking on ok in the ports properties dialogue results in the dreaded, unhelpful "the port information cannot be saved... cannot complete this function (800703eb)" error.
However, port information for everything but the usb adsl modem seems to save ok.

Something that may be worth noting... my modem is a usrobotics 8500 ADSL modem, and ive always had this issue with it under windows 2000 server, our machine at work however is similar spec, but it has an alcatel modem, which shows the maximum ports as 1, rather than -1 and has no issues.

Now, whilst I have been unsucsessful in finding a true solution (service packs, hot fixes, reinstalling etc do not seem to work), I have found a workaround which has worked for me :D.

Before I start, remember that messing with the registry is DANGEROUS and highly inadvisable unless you're absolutely sure you know what you're doing, and what the consiquences are if you fluff up (like having to re-install).

1. Open the registry edit START > RUN > REGEDIT <ENTER>

2. Locate the key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\Class\{4D36E972-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}

3. Sub-branches (or folders, im not sure of the exact term)under here will be shown as &quot;0000&quot; &quot;0001&quot; &quot;0002&quot; and so on. if you select each of these in turn and look for the &quot;DriverDesc&quot; key on the right hand pane until you locate the one that matches the description of your particular modem thats causing all the grief.

4. Once you've found it, again on the right hand side, look for two keys. The first is &quot;EnableForRas&quot; the second is &quot;EnableForRouting&quot;.

5. For the sake of explaining, setting the value of &quot;EnableForRas&quot; to 1 enables The device for remote access, setting &quot;EnableForRouting&quot; to 1 enables the device for routing (for dial-out). Setting either of these to 0 disables the action. I have not tried and do not recommend trying any other values other than 0 and 1.

6. Reboot your machine (Pain in the arse I know), when the system comes back online, go into routing and remote and verify that the settings have been applied.

This changed the settings fine for me, I still got the error messages as before, and maximum ports was still set to -1. But I was able to use the device for dial out using routing and remote access after the change. (I had set &quot;EnableForRouting&quot; to 1, which is sufficient for my needs.

I hope this works for you, or that microsoft (or usrobotics) pull thier finger out of thier arse and resolve this issue.

I'm having exactly the same problem as you lot, but I THINK IT'S NOW SOLVED!

* Make the registry change above, possibly also setting EnableForRas to 0.
* Reboot
* Disable 'Routing and Remote Access' by right-clicking server in RRAS MMC.
* Enable RRAS.
Following the wizard you should now find the Alcatel modem.

This seemed to work for me, with a possible reboot before enabling. Also, going ino the properties of the ports may have made the Alcatel one dissapear, a reboot or disable semed to sort it.

I hope this helps, I think this is correct...

Easter :)
Ran into the same problem trying to configure one of two Windows 2000 domain controllers. We have a dialup modem on each server and one will configure okay, but the other one will not allow you to configure RAS. We get the 800703eb error (what ever that means!) when you try and configure the modem to RAS. We did make the suggested changes above, but it didn't help. Swapped the modems and compared the connfiguration between the two servers. Still getting the error on configuring the modem to RAS. Any ideas on what the error code means?

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