WAN = Wide Area Network. The info your pc is receiving from the RCA is the WAN. You either get the signal or you don't. When my WAN doesn't come up after a minute reboot I call the ISP. Each time I've come across this it has been something on the ISP side. Such as today evertyhing appeard to be working properl but I wasn't getting and DHCP info from the ISP. My clients account was set to inactive for some reason. After they fixed it I was up. Like 5 minutes.
LAN = Local Area Network. You configure the LAN to have your pc's and devices networked.
IF ur router issues Dynamic DHCP you simple set your network connect in TCP/IP properties to automatic. IF you are using fixed or "static" Ip's make sure Each IP's are diffrent and the gatway and DNS points to the router. I usually make things static and point my dns and gateway to the routers ip. But that's just me.
You may have to release and renew the Ip if your using dhcp, altho a reboot usually works also.
Most routers also have a STATUS tab. This tab tells you the LAN and WAN IP info. If you see on the WAN your not getting the info from the ISP. You can try unplugging the router then the cable modem for a minute and a half. Power the router on first and let it sink up. Once's it's sinked up Power on the router and let it sink up to the modem. Reboot the PC and try to go to a website that you don't normaly go to like abc.com. If it still don't work look at the STATUS tab again and see if your still getting on the WAN configs. If that's the case call the isp.
Another thing it could be is the MAC address isn't validatiing at the ISP. (if they do this). Some routers also have MAC cloning which allows you to take the mac from your nic card and insert it to the router so the ISP is fooled into beleivng the router is your pc for validation.
hope I helped
Please provide more info for us next time so we can pin poinnt your problem better.
my isp gave me this knolege :
server ip number
user name
and he told me the protocol is pptp
but i dont know the pptp default getway and i cant configure
the router any option that i try cable\dsl\static ip dont work .
my wan didnt connected throw the router
when im working directly throw the moden with a vpn dail up
is working perfect.
i dont know what and how configure the router and what number and options put their .
Did they give you an IP address a subnet mask, DNS address and a Gateway address?
They are giving you a Static IP (one that doesn't change at random) You should take this info and find the basic settings for your router. You should see (Obtain IP automaticlly)(or Specify an IP address) You want to select Specify and IP and put the info in from your ISP. They should have provide a subnet and Gatway address also (you might not have a dns being your box will pick that up from the isp.
Now if dhcp is on your router turn it on. and reboot the pc's on the router they should find the new information and be good to go. If you don't have dhcp you need to setup (static IP's) on each PC. It will look something like this.
On the router
WAN = From ISP
LAN = local PC's setup something like this on router set it to.
NOW THATS ON THE ROUTER and the router knows how to get the info from and to your pc's since we just told it where to go. Now on each pc you would do something like this and notice where the ip address points.
Client box
the gateway points to the routers IP the info we put in earlier tells it where to go to resolve the info you requested.
The router knows what to do with the request from a client box as long as it's setup. The client box hits the router at and the router NAT's the ip info to the ISP's info providing websites resolution or DNS resolution for all ur pc's.
Of course your network connections need to be right in the pc's network properties and networks for microsoft networks need to be installed as well as TCP/IP.
Also more and more ISP's want you to setup your account on a single pc with it's CD provided. Sometimes i have to connect with a single pc to the cable or dsl modem and setup the account first before moving it to the router and having the router keep it up.
you might need to put the username and password in the PPPOE configurations. The might be giving you wrong info by saying "PPTP" if they gave u a username and password most likely u need rto setup PPPOE which "logs onto" the netvision service.
so in ur router set the IP, subnet and gateway to that info the gave u. You will put that info in the WAN side of configurations. Then follow my steps above for static IP or DHCP on the client pc' on the LAN side.
ALso you shoud have an option for PPoE in the router which u should be able set ur username and password into the router to keep the conection alive.
I'm sure another thread has more accurate info to help you further if you need it.
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