For some reason no matter which option I use with Arcserve I cannot seem to get an email notification from our server. The backup is running fine and the recipients have been configured correctly - what else can I check
copy this into a .bat file and put the full path into the post part of pre / post job options.
couldnt be bothered to find out if i could get the job log any other way. i spent 2 days trying to get Arcserve 2000 to send smtp or exchange emails. this works for me, hope its of some use.
oh, you need to download blat and install it on the server.
sorry if its too elaborate.
@rem Run this from the ARCserve\log folder
@rem USE %1 for subject
echo set dayte=%%5 > the.bat
echo. | date > temp.bat
call temp.bat
del temp.bat
del the.bat
@rem The above portion of the code gets the current date by pulling a neat trick
@rem found on the web. secret lies with call statement executing the output of date command
@rem command put into temp.bat
@rem this install dir maybe different
CD c:\Program Files\ComputerAssociates\ARCserve\LOG
DIR | FIND "%dayte%">firstDir.txt
@rem This gets all the files that have been created today
FOR /F "tokens=1,4 delims= " %%i in (firstDir.txt) do @(
@echo %%j | FIND "J0" >> filteredList.txt)
@rem filters all the job files. This will break if your jobs are above J1..
@rem FIND "J" doesnt work because the TskJob file will mess you up!!!
FOR /F %%x in (filteredList.txt) DO @(
blat %%x -subject "insert your sub" -server ip.of.smtp.your.domain -f -to -base64
@rem gets the filename(s) from the filtered list and attaches them. Could not get the text
@rem into the body due to Arcserve's encoding the files. doh.
del firstDir.txt
del filteredList.txt
@rem clean up, packup and go home.
See the following Tek-Tips thread
thread478-539771 if the link is messed up this is thread 478-539771
titled "How to configure SMTP alerts?"
I stumbled upon this thread and found an update to the alert program that user "Wiedie" pointed out and this works!!! It really works like a charm, I simply plugged in the SMTP server for our company and it works great.
I contacted CA, they told me to apply the patch, I did. The message I got was "Failed to send Email (CB)". Then they told me to uninstall everything, reinstall and apply the patch. on 30 production servers? I gave up and created the batch file using Blat.
the machines are just in workgroups of their own, I've failed to Exchange working outside our domain. smtp just works.
any idea how to parse a date dd/MM/yyyy and change to dd/MM/yy in NT??
I see that the patch for Alert that I refer to above requires Alert 6.0 (Build 599) or higher to be installed. So I presume the fix does not apply to ArcServe 2000 unless one has this verison of Alert or higher. If there is any way of getting a newer version of Alert for use with ArcServe 2000 then the patch would be relevant...
Here is code I found on the web about a year ago that creates variables for day, month, etc, however it does use a 4 digit year as opposed to a 2 digit, perhaps it could be modified...
@echo off
echo. | date | FIND "(mm" > NUL
if errorlevel 1 (call arsedate DD MM) else (call arsedate MM DD)
:: echo YYYY=%YYYY% MM=%MM% DD=%DD% Dow=%Dow%
goto :EOF arsedate ----------------------------------------------------------
for /f "tokens=1-4 delims=/.- " %%A in ('date /t') do (
set Dow=%%A& set %1=%%B& set %2=%%C& set YYYY=%%D& goto :EOF)
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