Can anyone recommend a good conference room phone with multiple mic's etc. that works well with an IP Office 408. I would really prefer it worked with a digital port as my analogue ports are full.
You can always use the conf facilty on the ipo.
Just dial the short code from any phone , allow external callers to join in.You do even need a meeting room.
You can do it from any where you , well almost.
You can always use the conf facilty on the ipo.
Just dial the short code from any phone , allow external callers to join in.You dont even need a meeting room.
You can do it from any where you , well almost.
I haven't tried this, but there is a version of the polycom soundstation that is designed to go on a definity DCP port. This is the same kind of port as an IPO DS port so there is a good chance it would work.
Yep, I just looked in a catalogue, and it seems the Soundstation Premier 550D should work - it says it connects to any Definity voice port that supports the 6400, 7400, or 8400 series phones....who's gonna test it!!
Look at the Polycom Wireless Solution or even the Polycom IP Solution. I have implemented a few of the wireless solutions and the clients love them. The have a range of 150 feet, you can even use a cell phone instead of a hardwired analog port.
I am sure the man said he has no analogue ports spare on his 408 ,well this is what you can do, swap one of your analogues with a digital port , that is if you are using it as a non fax , modem device.
Then get a POLYCOM o.k. , i will get one too thanks.
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