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Concatenate Duplicates 2

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Nov 7, 2011
Hi Guys,

I am looking to concatenate duplicates in my worksheet. I looked at the concatenate code samples using the search feature, but I was unable to locate anything that directly applied to my situation. Example below:

Existing Table
Column A Column B
987654321 a
987654321 b
987654321 c
123456789 d
654987321 e
654987321 f
654987321 g

I would like my new table to look like this:

Column A Column B
987654321 a, b, c
123456789 d
654987321 e, f, g

If someone could point me in the right direction, I would appreciate it. [2thumbsup]


What code do you have so far? Where are you stuck?


[glasses]Just traded in my old subtlety...
for a NUANCE![tongue]
I have a Module in Access that does it for me currently, but I am looking to complete the action in Excel.

I tried to modify Hookom's code to satisfy my needs, but I was unable to do so successfully.

Here is the Access Module if you wanted to see it.

Option Compare Database

Function UpdateAmounts() As Boolean

    Dim db As Database
    Dim tdf As TableDef
    Dim fld As Field
    Dim rst As Recordset
    Dim strSQL As String
    Dim db1 As Database
    Dim tdf1 As TableDef
    Dim fld1 As Field
    Dim rst1 As Recordset
    Dim strSQL1 As String
    Dim strTableName As String
    Dim strTableName1 As String
    Dim Delimiter As String
    ReDim SubStrs(0) As String
    Dim CurPos As Long
    Dim NextPos As Long
    Dim DelLen As Integer
    Dim nCount As Integer
    Dim xCount As Integer
    Dim TStr As String
    Dim sortkeylast As String
    Dim sortkeynext As String
    Dim servernamesCSV As String
    strTableName = "at"
    strTableName1 = "at1"
    Delimiter = ", "
    Set db = CurrentDb()
    Set db1 = CurrentDb()
    On Error GoTo Err_Execute

    Set rst1 = db1.OpenRecordset(strTableName1, dbOpenTable)

Set rst = db.OpenRecordset(strTableName, dbOpenTable)
rst.Index = "f1"
    sortkeylast = rst![f2]
    nCount = 1
    rst1![f1] = rst![f1]
    rst1![f2] = rst![f2]
    rst1![f3] = rst![f3]
    rst1![f4] = rst![f4]
    rst1![f5] = rst![f5]
    rst1![f6] = rst![f6]
    rst1![f7] = rst![f7]
    rst1![f8] = rst![f8]
    rst1![f9] = rst![f9]
    rst1![f10] = rst![f10]
    rst1![f11] = rst![f11]
    rst1![f12] = rst![f12]
    rst1![f13] = rst![f13]
    rst1![f14] = rst![f14]
    rst1![f15] = rst![f15]
    rst1![f16] = rst![f16]
    rst1![f17] = rst![f17]
    rst1![f18] = rst![f18]
    rst1![f19] = rst![f19]
    rst1![f20] = rst![f20]
    rst1![f21] = rst![f21]
    rst1![f22] = rst![f22]
    rst1![f23] = rst![f23]
    rst1![f24] = rst![f24]
    servernamesCSV = rst![f25]
    rst1![f26] = rst![f26]
    rst1![f27] = rst![f27]
    rst1![f28] = rst![f28]
    rst1![f29] = rst![f29]
    rst1![f30] = rst![f30]
    rst1![f31] = rst![f31]
    rst1![f32] = rst![f32]
    rst1![f33] = rst![f33]
    rst1![f34] = rst![f34]
    rst1![f35] = rst![f35]
    rst1![f36] = rst![f36]
    rst1![f37] = rst![f37]
    rst1![f38] = rst![f38]
    rst1![f39] = rst![f39]
    rst1![f40] = rst![f40]
    rst1![f41] = rst![f41]
    rst1![f42] = rst![f42]
    rst1![f43] = rst![f43]
    rst1![f44] = rst![f44]
    rst1![f45] = rst![f45]
    rst1![f46] = rst![f46]
    rst1![f47] = rst![f47]
Do Until rst.EOF

    If rst.EOF Then GoTo readnext:
    sortkeynext = rst![f2]
    If sortkeylast <> sortkeynext Then GoTo sortbreak:
    If Len(Trim(rst![f25])) > 0 Then servernamesCSV = servernamesCSV & Delimiter & Trim(rst![f25])
    nCount = nCount + 1
    GoTo readnext:

rst1![f25] = servernamesCSV
rst1![f40] = nCount
rst1![f2] = sortkeylast
sortkeylast = sortkeynext
    rst1![f1] = rst![f1]
    rst1![f2] = rst![f2]
    rst1![f3] = rst![f3]
    rst1![f4] = rst![f4]
    rst1![f5] = rst![f5]
    rst1![f6] = rst![f6]
    rst1![f7] = rst![f7]
    rst1![f8] = rst![f8]
    rst1![f9] = rst![f9]
    rst1![f10] = rst![f10]
    rst1![f11] = rst![f11]
    rst1![f12] = rst![f12]
    rst1![f13] = rst![f13]
    rst1![f14] = rst![f14]
    rst1![f15] = rst![f15]
    rst1![f16] = rst![f16]
    rst1![f17] = rst![f17]
    rst1![f18] = rst![f18]
    rst1![f19] = rst![f19]
    rst1![f20] = rst![f20]
    rst1![f21] = rst![f21]
    rst1![f22] = rst![f22]
    rst1![f23] = rst![f23]
    rst1![f24] = rst![f24]
    servernamesCSV = rst![f25]
    nCount = 1
    rst1![f26] = rst![f26]
    rst1![f27] = rst![f27]
    rst1![f28] = rst![f28]
    rst1![f29] = rst![f29]
    rst1![f30] = rst![f30]
    rst1![f31] = rst![f31]
    rst1![f32] = rst![f32]
    rst1![f33] = rst![f33]
    rst1![f34] = rst![f34]
    rst1![f35] = rst![f35]
    rst1![f36] = rst![f36]
    rst1![f37] = rst![f37]
    rst1![f38] = rst![f38]
    rst1![f39] = rst![f39]
    rst1![f40] = rst![f40]
    rst1![f41] = rst![f41]
    rst1![f42] = rst![f42]
    rst1![f43] = rst![f43]
    rst1![f44] = rst![f44]
    rst1![f45] = rst![f45]
    rst1![f46] = rst![f46]
    rst1![f47] = rst![f47]

rst1![f25] = servernamesCSV
rst1![f40] = nCount


    Set rst = Nothing
    Set rst1 = Nothing
    Set db = CurrentDb()
    Set db1 = CurrentDb()

    UpdateAmounts = True
    On Error GoTo 0

    Exit Function

    UpdateAmounts = False

 End Function

you can do the same thing in Excel, querying MS Access, using ActiveX Data Objects.


[glasses]Just traded in my old subtlety...
for a NUANCE![tongue]
Thanks for the suggestion! Unfortunately, I am trying to phase out MS Access of the process.

I found this code online, and it seems to do what I need. I am really confused as to how it works. I was able to modify where the new values print etc, but I was wondering if you could help me understand how it works.

Sub Macro1()

  Dim C As Long
  Dim Cell As Range
  Dim Data As String
  Dim DSO As Object
  Dim Key As Variant
  Dim Keys As Variant
  Dim R As Long
  Dim Rng As Range
  Dim RngEnd As Range
    Set Rng = Range("A2")
    Set RngEnd = Cells(Rows.Count, Rng.Column).End(xlUp)
    Set Rng = IIf(RngEnd.Row < Rng.Row, Rng, Range(Rng, RngEnd))
    Set DSO = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
      For Each Cell In Rng
        If Not DSO.Exists(Cell.Value) Then
           DSO.Add Cell.Value, Cell.Offset(0, 5).Value
           Data = DSO(Cell.Value)
           DSO(Cell.Value) = Data & ", " & Cell.Offset(0, 5).Value
        End If
      Next Cell
      Keys = DSO.Keys
      R = Rng.Row
      C = Rng.Column + 7
        For Each Key In Keys
          Cells(R, C) = Key
          Cells(R, C + 1) = DSO(Key)
          R = R + 1
        Next Key
    Set DSO = Nothing
End Sub


1) what is the sheet/range of your source list?

2) where do you want the results (sheet/first cell)?


[glasses]Just traded in my old subtlety...
for a NUANCE![tongue]
1) Sheet = Sheet1
Range1 = Duplicate Values Column A
Range2 = Corresponding values tied to one value in column A (primary key for a lack of a better term)

2) Output to Sheet2 would be awesome if I could do that cell A2

Run with Sheet1 active
Sub Main()
    Dim r As Range, sPrev As String, lRow As Long, iCol As Integer, sOUT As String
'this controls the row & column on Sheet2
    lRow = 1
    iCol = 1
    For Each r In Range([A2], [A2].End(xlDown))
        If sPrev <> r.Value Then
            If sOUT <> "" Then GoSub LoadIt
            lRow = lRow + 1
            With Sheets("Sheet2").Cells(lRow, iCol)
                .NumberFormat = "@"
                .Value = r.Value
            End With
            sPrev = r.Value
            sOUT = ""
        End If
        sOUT = sOUT & r.Offset(0, 1).Value & ","
    If sOUT <> "" Then GoSub LoadIt
    Exit Sub
    Sheets("Sheet2").Cells(lRow, iCol + 1).Value = Left(sOUT, Len(sOUT) - 1)
End Sub


[glasses]Just traded in my old subtlety...
for a NUANCE![tongue]
Thanks skip. Works exactly as I needed it to.

Can you help me understand sPrev, sOUT, and the @ number format?

sPrev is the previous value in column A. When the current value is not equal to the previous value, then the accumulated values, sOut, are output.

The @ number format is TEXT. Otherwise, Excel wants to treat the column A values a numbers and displays them as scientific notation.


[glasses]Just traded in my old subtlety...
for a NUANCE![tongue]
Thanks a bunch for the explanation.

I noticed that after the code executes it adds a "," after the last concatenated field.

i.e. the values look like the below table

Column A Column B
Record 1 a, b, c,

Is there a way to get rid of the comma after the "c"?


When I run the code that I sent you, here is the B4...
cola colb
987654321 a
987654321 b
987654321 c
123456789 d
654987321 e
654987321 f
654987321 g
and after
987654321 a,b,c
123456789 d
654987321 e,f,g


[glasses]Just traded in my old subtlety...
for a NUANCE![tongue]
The only thing that I changed was

sOUT = sOUT & r.Offset(0, 1).Value & ", "

I added a space after the "," for easier reading of the new values.

Is this not a good way to accomplish my goal?
Also, what if I wanted to take more columns from the original sheet?

Would I just add more statements to the 'with' portion of the code? I have a situation where I need to move 40+ columns of data. That seems like a lot of statements. of .Cells(lRow, iCol + 1) statements (if that's how ya do it). :)


You should have originally stated that you CHANGED the code that I sent you!
    Sheets("Sheet2").Cells(lRow, iCol + 1).Value = Left(sOUT, Len(sOUT) - [highlight]2[/highlight])


[glasses]Just traded in my old subtlety...
for a NUANCE![tongue]
You're right! That's an important thing to mention! Won't happen again, my apologies.

Your help has been invaluable!

What do you think about the extra columns question?

Also, what if I wanted to take more columns from the original sheet?
Exactly what does that mean?

Post an example of the 'more columns' and what you expect to see are a result, along with a statement of the logic to accomplish.


[glasses]Just traded in my old subtlety...
for a NUANCE![tongue]
I would also like to use this code to transfer more than just two columns we are comparing.

Before Code
Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Column 5 ...
123456 a asdf qwer zxcv
123456 b asdf qwer zxcv
789456 c fdas rewq vcxz
789456 d fdas rewq vcxz

After code
Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Column 5 ...
123456 a, b asdf qwer zxcv
789456 c, d fdas rewq vcxz

okay, give this a try...
Sub Main()
    Dim r As Range, c As Range, sPrev As String, lRow As Long, iCol As Integer, sOUT() As String, i As Integer
    Const SEP = ", "
'this controls the row & column on Sheet2
    lRow = 1
    i = [A2].CurrentRegion.Columns.Count - 2
    ReDim sOUT(i)
    For Each r In Range([A2], [A2].End(xlDown))
        If sPrev <> r.Value Then
            If sOUT(0) <> "" Then GoSub LoadIt
            lRow = lRow + 1
            iCol = 1
            With Sheets("Sheet2").Cells(lRow, iCol)
                .NumberFormat = "@"
                .Value = r.Value
            End With
            sPrev = r.Value
            For i = 0 To UBound(sOUT)
                sOUT(i) = ""
        End If
        For Each c In Range([b2], [b2].End(xlToRight))
            With c
                iCol = .Column
                sOUT(iCol - 2) = sOUT(iCol - 2) & Cells(r.Row, .Column).Value & SEP
            End With
    If sOUT(0) <> "" Then GoSub LoadIt
    Exit Sub
    For iCol = 0 To UBound(sOUT)
        Sheets("Sheet2").Cells(lRow, iCol + 2).Value = Left(sOUT(iCol), Len(sOUT(iCol)) - Len(SEP))
End Sub


[glasses]Just traded in my old subtlety...
for a NUANCE![tongue]
Thanks again for the help!

I ran the code without any edits, and the following was produced:
123456 a, b asdf, asdf qwer, qwer zxcv, zxcv
789456 c, d fdas, fdas rewq, rewq vcxz, vcxz

If the values in column C - E are the same, I would like them to stay static instead of concatenate like column B.

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