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Computer stops responding for a few minutes and then loads everything 1

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Technical User
Dec 31, 2003
After connecting to the net on my 56k connection. I open IE and then, as I try to open another IE window or do anything else such as open messenger or taskmanager, - nothing happens. After several minutes, everything I had clicked on during those dead minutes suddenly opens all at once.
It seems like there was something running in the background which wouldn't let anything else happen until it had finished whatever it was doing.

I have McAfee Firewall and VirusScan. As I connect to the Internet, "Application Layer Gateway" pops up asking for permission to access the net. If I say no, it keps bugging me till I say YES.
I know that "Application Layer Gateway" is associated with svchost.exe and I have 4 running in my taskmanager list.
One for LOCAL SERVICE, one for NETWORK SERVICE and 2 others.

By going to command Prompt and typing Tasklist /SVC it tells me all the services running including what programs and DLLs are using the svchost.exe
Here they are:

Image Name PID Services

svchost.exe 1344 RpcSs
svchost.exe 1424 6to4, AudioSrv, Browser, CryptSvc, Dhcp,
dmserver, ERsvc, EventSystem,
FastUserSwitchingCompatability, helpsvc,
Ip6Fwhlp, Iprip, lanmanserver, lanmanworkstation,
Messenger, Netman, Nla, RasAuto, RasMan, Schedule,
seclogon, SENS, SharedAccess, ShellHWDetection, srservice,
TapiSrv, TermService, Themes, TrkWks, uploadmgr, W32Time,
winmgmt, wuauserv, WZCSVC
svchost.exe 1560 Dnscache
svchost.exe 1584 LmHosts, RemoteRegistry, SSDPSRV, upnphost, WebClient

Can anybody help me figure out whether its a program trying to access the net or if its the Firewall/AV or if its something else.

I've already tried the msconfig thing and unchecked all the boxes but it still did it. I know I don't have a virus. I really think its got something to do with svchost.exe but I don't know what I can do about it.

I have Win XP Pro and have a Wireless Network to my laptop which isn't running when this happens.

Your help is greatly appreciated,
1. Clean any dead links to ftp, web sites, or old LAN connections from Network Places.
2. Clean any dead connections in your Send To folder
3. Start, Run, regedit
Go to


Export this key (in order to back it up) and then delete the key called

{D6277990-4C6A-11CF-8D87-00AA0060F5BF} (Task Scheduler).

Close the registry.

Erik, Thats a dead link

bcastner, I did all you said. Cleaned it all up and then deleted the key.

Still same problem. Just hangs after connecting to the net on my 56k.
I checked the log and I get this error:

Event Type: Error
Event Source: ipnathlp
Event Category: None
Event ID: 32003
Date: 01/01/2004
Time: 19:41:03
User: N/A
Computer: XASER
The Network Address Translator (NAT) was unable to request an operation of the kernel-mode translation module. This may indicate misconfiguration, insufficient resources, or an internal error. The data is the error code.

For more information, see Help and Support Center at Data:
0000: 1f 00 00 00 ....

Any ideas?
Yeah, I think the hanging has got something to do with and is connected to NETWORKING.

I have an ad-hoc wireless network and in my "Network Connections", I have Network bridge (Network bridge) 2 Enabled, Wireless Network Connection Enabled and Bridged, LAN and 1394 connections disabled. The tooltip for the Network Bridge Icon says MAC Bridge Miniport and I think this particular icon has something to do with this problem.

I switched on the laptop so that the wireless network hooked up and then I connected to the net. It hung again. So I right clicked on the Wireless Icon and disabled it. As soon as I did that, it stopped hanging and the caption said Network Bridge unplugged.

How can I configure my Network so that it doesn't interfere with the internet connection. The only thing is I need ICS from Laptop to Desktop.
About the link, it is dead because extra spaces after it. if you delete the spaces it will work. Check it out.

"There are no stupid questions, But there are A LOT of inquisitive idiots."

There is some malware on your system. See the FAQ I wrote and use the LSPfix tool, and then the Winsock repair tool. (after doing the other advice, cwshredder, spybot and AdAware)

The links are in the FAQ: faq608-4650
I've tried everything suggested but to no avail.
It's definately svchost.exe because I manged to stop the process whilst the PC was hanging and it snapped out of its Hung state.

But I have no idea what to do to cure this problem.
Any ideas.

I do know that its not a virus.


1. It appears you have ICS "Internet Connection Sharing" enabled. Disable it if possible.

2. Turn off the uPnP service. Go to Control Panel, Add/Remove Programs, Windows Compenents, Network Services, and uncheck the Discovery Client, and the uPnP service.

Reboot and test.
If I do that, will I still be able to connect from my Laptop to Desktop thru my wireless network?
The uPnP and Discovery client have nothing to do with your LAN or wireless connectivity.

If you are not sharing your modem with the other computer, turn off ICS.

I have been having the same problem on my computer system and I've just found the solution. Go through all of your network connections and make sure that "Microsoft TCP/IP Version 6" or "IPV 6" (as it's sometimes referred to by) isn't installed and if it is then uninstall it. After I did that my computer was fine. The reason there had been a problem with it installed is that IPV 6 verifies every conncection you make before allowing your system to proceed. It also creates tunneling protocols that cause problems as well.
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