Okay, this is odd... My computer was once getting a Driver_IRQL_Not_Less_Or_Equal error. So I decided to reformat and reinstall Windows XP. I got this same error during installation. Through this forum, I was able to get everything installed, by changing the Power Management to Standard PC during the installation process. My computer has been running fine for the past few weeks, but now, I'm in trouble... I was surfing the net one day, and all of a sudden my screen flashed black, flashed blue (kinda looked like a memory dump screen was about to come up) then the computer restarted. During the initial restart, nothing unusual happened. The bios screen came up and then the initial boot process recognized all of my drives. Then after that, my screen usually blanks out, my computer beeps, and then the Windows XP logo comes up while loading. But after this happened, my screen blanks out and nothing happens afterwards. I don't get a beep, and I don't see the Windows XP logo. It's like my PC just died! I had Norton SystemWorks 2003 installed and updated, so I would like to think it wasn't a virus. Any ideas on how I can fix this or get onto my PC? Any help would be greatly appreciated.... Thanks...