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Computer Crashing - Monitor to Standby

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Technical User
Jan 22, 2005
I have been having a problem with my PC that I built (about a few months ago). I got everything working , and I would that maybe before christmas the problem started .

The problem : My computer monitor will go to standby and my comp will sometimes restart.

I suspect there might be more than 1 problem here , as I get diff. messages. I have never seen an error message , what I have seen:
-My monitor will just go to standby (the comp stays on , but I've tried to save stuff and type stuff and execute commands with no monitor, but it doesn't work.)
-My mouse will get stuck along a vertical axis on the screen , then the screen will go to stanby
-The screen will go to standby and I little moving box saying "Not Optimum Mode , Recommended mode : 1280X 1024 @ 60hz (which it IS at)" then the comp might restart after that
-Upon restart I will occasionally get a "Overclocking Failed !" message.
-Very rarely I will get a Windows has recovered from a serious error (only twice and I haven't has the chance to copy it down.)

Other peculiar things
-I get things like "Swagent.exe has failed to ... "write" (or "read") upon startup (among)
-Avg says it has licensing problem.

What I associate with the "crashes"
- Whenever I do something on the comp , for ex. I can turn it on and leave it for like 6 hours and it doesn't do anything. But if I open something it or click something it will do it. I have had a lot of problems starting up IE (I regularly use Firefox so it's not a prob). It almost always shuts down when I open IE.
-Maybe my crappy ram

What I have done so far:
-I have loaded up Asus probe (I run A8V , specs at bottom of page). The temp doesn't seem to be a problem usually around 50, one time in bios setup is said it was 56.5 c.
-I have defragged my harddrive
-I have run win32 (not the bootable one) Memtest to 150% and it was fine
-I've loaded up microsoft Antispyware and searched with spybot and I have searched with AVG
-It started when I had a diff. monitor , and I changed once and it kept reoccuring, then now I have a brand new LCD monitor and it still does it (but now I have the recommended 1208 X 1024 60hz thing)
-I have updated windows and my video card

Any help would be GREATLY appreciated. I haven't overclocked my comp and all I want is system stability. Ask for add. info.

Windows SP2
AMD athlon 64 3500+
Asus A8V deluxe Mobo
80gb SATA MAxtor Diamondmax 9 plus HDD
Radeon 9800 pro 128mb video card
power supply (not sure , I think 350 , I can checkif-necces)
2 x 512mb DDR (pc 2200) Azenram (ouch yes I know)
Samsung Syncmaster Lcd monitor
Sorry if anything is nonsensical , I am typing really damn fast and trying not to make spelling errors as I don't want my comp to go off..
Oh I forgot to mention that I reinstalled windows without formating , I just reinstalled the systems files (C:\windows\. This problem was happening before that.
Wow , it has been working great recently , after fiddling with lots of different configs... for 2 weeks i'd say.. No problem at all .. Now all of a sudden .. Wham ! It starts shutting down again.. except this time it has 2 more errors I haven't seen before..

1.) CPU Fan error! Press F1 to Resume
2.) Blue screen and hard to read because everything is big and shifted.. something to do with parity..

Help please!!!
First thing I'd do is replace the CPU fan. You may be fighting an intermittant CPU fan, causing overheating. A "flaky" CPU can cause many different problems. With that much load, I'd use a minimum 400w.(quality) power supply.
Files to be sent:

Error Signature
BCCode : ea BCP1 : 85853DA8 BCP2 : 862307C8 BCP3 : 863F8B78
BCP4 : 00000001 OSVer : 5_1_2600 SP : 2_0 Product : 768_1

Error Caused by Graphics Device Driver

Ahaa! This time the screen didn't go to standby.... an error report flicked on screen (not up above) but the screen went all white (it was when I tried to load up coldfusion MX (i was uninstalling it)) and then icons went everywhere and there was an error message that i couldn't read!! darn.. I managed to see something about graphics or driver or something.

On reboot I submitted my serious error report along with copying all it's info..Thats how I got stuff above

Can someone help now ?
what graphics card have you got? Does it have a temp sensor on it?

the 50C temp, is that for your case or your cpu?

and how big a psu do you have?

it sounds like if your gfx card is having VERY serious problems and is NOT copeing. Could be a temp issue, since your gfx can get MUCH hotter than even your cpu temp. Or it could be a power issue, if your psu isn't up to requirements...

Procrastinate Now!
Yes! you might be right ! Well the 50c is my cpu temp and my mobo temp is usually 32c ... I took off my casing and shutdown the comp then I felt the video card! Almost burned me it was so bloody hot... I also looked at the ram and put some coolers on it..

Any suggestions for the overheating problem?

Major problem now.. My comp won't even show any thing
It is in eternal standby , I'll check the monitor but I don't think thats the problem..
I forgot to mention that I gave a second look at the ram .. I remove the brackets holding the heat dispersers on , but I couldn't remove the actual dispersers (the glue is reallly strong) .. I refitted my RAM ... Though I might have done it wrong a second time.

Thanks for the help so far..
Ok I just refitted the RAM (For a second time )

My comp still won't put anything on screen.. I might have accidentally zapped my video card when I touched it .. (I forgot to ground myself)

Would that make it constantly stay on standby?
Ok I just refitted the RAM (For a second time )

My comp still won't put anything on screen.. I might have accidentally zapped my video card when I touched it .. (I forgot to ground myself)

Would that make it constantly stay on standby?

The fan on the video card is still working , i'm hoping that means it is fine ??
Ok I finally got the comp running ( i didn't zap the video card) with the added bulk of the heat dispersers on the ram , I didn't see that neither of the pieces were STILL not seated properly !

Now my comp does the same thing as before ..

Very irriatating .. Can't print .. Can't load word .. can't load java .. Can't uninstall coldfusion MX

Checked the event viewer.. 3 cd rom errors. not related I dont think...

Hmm ? Is this important ; My comp just started to print when it went into standby mode .. then the printer wasn't able to print .. That suggests that it is not video card failure ?

Another thing to mention , when my comp does this it usually restarts... hmmm
Wow this must be tough...

Checked up on power rating ... it IS 400w . Could it be the CPU? I'm thinking it might be a graphics / RAM mix problems ?

Help please!!!!
Oh I'm going to post my voltages too:
+12v : 11.551
+5v : 5.1
+3.3v : 3.2
Vcore : 1.536

when i first had my computer , it used to restart himself without any reason, it was the power supply which was too light for all componements
into my laptop a loose wire made it burning (it was very nice, not for me, but the others were very happy to see a ferrari burning :p) and after repair , there were always blue screen, reboot when playing, and a lots of problems
there it was the motherboard and the ram

so, maybe a mix of the three ?
I have the same set basicly have tried high end psu no go, get another mobo and video card the A8V deluxe is a POS and the 9800pro doesn't work to well with it.
How many amp on the 12 volt rail you want at least 18amp. I have just gotten this stable mostly, flash to bios 1009 and get a good psu.BTW I am getting rid of this mobo asap and am going for a nvida nforce4 based board.
Removing SP2 seems to work quite often, just re-install SP1 and critical updates thereafter, sorry if that is a repeat suggestion or you already tried... if not I would seriously give it a go.
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