I am working on a DB2 database, and I need to compare data from an excel worksheet. The excel worksheet contains the account number along with other information. I am able to join the account number from the excel worksheet with the account field from one of the tables in the DB2 database.
I would like to list all the records from the excel that is not found in the DB2 database that meets a specific criteria.
Excel file contains the following fields:
Acct#, Cust_Name, Address, City
12242, Jon James, 123 St., New City
A2524, Mike Von , A52 AVE, New York
B5245, Sue Tau , 552 DRV, Honey Kong
DB2 table,
Acct#, Country, PriceID, RepID
12242, USA , 1546622, James
54245, USA , 5456573, James
25645, JAPAN , 5456237, Wong
A2524, Georgia, 5597348, Michelle
55645, Jamaica, 4678735, Trevor
as you can see both account# 12242, and A2524 are in the DB2 table and the excel file; however, I only want to report to compare against data in USA. Therefore, from the 3 accounts in the excel file, the report should only list A2524, and B5245
I only have the option to select the Left Outer Join and the Inner Join
I would like to list all the records from the excel that is not found in the DB2 database that meets a specific criteria.
Excel file contains the following fields:
Acct#, Cust_Name, Address, City
12242, Jon James, 123 St., New City
A2524, Mike Von , A52 AVE, New York
B5245, Sue Tau , 552 DRV, Honey Kong
DB2 table,
Acct#, Country, PriceID, RepID
12242, USA , 1546622, James
54245, USA , 5456573, James
25645, JAPAN , 5456237, Wong
A2524, Georgia, 5597348, Michelle
55645, Jamaica, 4678735, Trevor
as you can see both account# 12242, and A2524 are in the DB2 table and the excel file; however, I only want to report to compare against data in USA. Therefore, from the 3 accounts in the excel file, the report should only list A2524, and B5245
I only have the option to select the Left Outer Join and the Inner Join