To all of you ex-Clipper Programmers. What do you do in Delphi / Pascal as a replacement for those wonderful dinamic complex arrays and the *all powerful* codeblocks that we had in Clipper.
Does anyone know of any attempt to get Delphi/Pascal to at least handle Complex arrays---I understand that the *strong typed* structure of Pascal does not lend itself well to the concept of *dynamic* complex arrays but that would be better yet
I switched from Clipper to Delphi back in the days of Win95, and still miss these two features.
Does anyone know of any attempt to get Delphi/Pascal to at least handle Complex arrays---I understand that the *strong typed* structure of Pascal does not lend itself well to the concept of *dynamic* complex arrays but that would be better yet
I switched from Clipper to Delphi back in the days of Win95, and still miss these two features.