I am asking might be a fool question but cant stop
Why will we use cisco router and switches where as we
have linksys , Dlink, Netgear? Is it price?
or might be some extra propreatery feature of cisco
like HDLC for wan or does not STP provided in netgear or Linksys or dlink switches? I dont know whether i asked it correctly does any one got my point?
I have one different question is it possible to ping
suppose two different device in same Vlan when they are not connected with internet? then how? just similar way as we do ping to that assigned ip address?
Forgive my little knowledge.
I am asking might be a fool question but cant stop
Why will we use cisco router and switches where as we
have linksys , Dlink, Netgear? Is it price?
or might be some extra propreatery feature of cisco
like HDLC for wan or does not STP provided in netgear or Linksys or dlink switches? I dont know whether i asked it correctly does any one got my point?
I have one different question is it possible to ping
suppose two different device in same Vlan when they are not connected with internet? then how? just similar way as we do ping to that assigned ip address?
Forgive my little knowledge.