I have an Access form in which you input employee info. I enter a first name (in a text box), last name (in a text box), and a middle initial (in a text box). I want to edit code for the "On Exit" of the middle initial text box to go and compare to a query in which the first name and the middle initial are the same. If they are the same, I want a query to be pulled up in which it lists all people with that first name and middle initial. For example, all of the Sally F employees. If it doesn't find any, that I want to just continue entering info into the form. This is done to assure duplicate entries aren't made in case an employee's last name changes. (I don't want a Sally F Johnson and a Sally F Anderson in the database, if they are the same employee, but changed their last name). I need some sort of If..Else statement but am stumped from there. Any suggestions?