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Comparing C# & VB.NET ...

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May 24, 2005
Apart from the different syntax why should i use C# ?
if you want to earn more money, learn c#. a lot of self taught vba people, i should know i was one of em.

also c# prepares you for advanced javascript or vice-aversa
I have noticed that there are generally more jobs available with C# than on VB.NET, looking on sites such as Computerjobs.com and Dice.com. That might be one reason to go the C# route.

Benchmark tests I have done, by no means scientific, doesn't reveal any performance difference between the two.
I have done both for a few years,
First, I find that for me, C# is easier on my brain.

To expand on that

Public temp as String
string temp;

when I see the first statement I have to think
" o.k. I have a thing variable......Oh it is a string"

when I see the second I think
" O.k. I have a string called Temp"

I think that the reason that Hungarian notation evolved on old VB was just for that reason it let you see what it was first then you knew the name. But alas, new coding standards poo poo Hungarian. (i never liked it anyway).

Second Difference to me.

When I was a young pup of a coder I came from ASP world and used vbScript.
I used to think it was a feature that things like capitalization were unimportant to VB. VB let me code Faster with less Compile errors.

Now I have come to appreciate that my previous code was ugly and hard to read and the old feature was now a burden.

Kind of like parents that let you party as much as you want.....Great till your in jail....lol

And Finally, C# is a C derivative. If you want to study any higher level Object oriented Patterns (Gang of Four, Fowler) they will give examples in either Java or C#, Both are similar enough to understand whats going on. But if your a VB Coder the first
"Public Void Mymethod()"

will confuse the heck out of you

well thats my 2 bits


I wrote some stuff in VB.net a little while ago after using C# for quite some time. I used to be a big VB fan but now... C# all the way.

There's something about Dim that I don't like. Tell me what the variable is or I might just kill you (after coding for a solid 14 hours)

So in summary: Use C# :)
Personally I tried VB.NET for about a week and then concluded that I had to write to much code. I could do the same thing a lot faster in C# and C# was to me a lot easier to learn.
Before .NET I've done mostly Delphi and VB6. I know my VB6, but still I had to learn in .NET, so I choose to do things the right way and take the most productive language.

And then silence smacks right in there...
... And it is loud!
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