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Compare Querystring Value with Number

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Oct 9, 2002
I have some asp that allows me to click on a CustomerName to see more detailed information about that Customer Grp. ie

CustomerNumber CustomerName Grp
1 Joes Store W23
2 Quick Stop
3 Joes Store #2 W23

if CustomerNumber 1 (or 3) is selected the link would return the following on the next page:

CustomerNumber City State
1 Detroit MI
3 Chicago IL

What I am trying to do on this page is <strong> the Customer Number that was selected to get this information so that it will stand out (seeing that 1 or 3 could have been selected to get the same output). But for some reason I am having a problem with my comparison:

x_ID = rs(&quot;ID&quot;)
x_CustomerNumber = rs(&quot;CustomerNumber&quot;)
x_City = rs(&quot;City&quot;)
x_State = rs(&quot;State&quot;)


<tr bgcolor=&quot;<%= bgcolor %>&quot;>
<td><font size=&quot;-1&quot;>
<% response.write ucase(x_ID) %> 
<td><font size=&quot;-1&quot;>
<% response.write x_CustomerNumber %> 
<% if MyVar1 = x_CustomerNumber then%>
<font size=&quot;-1&quot;><strong><% response.write ucase(x_CustomerName) %></strong></font>
<% else%>
<font size=&quot;-1&quot;><% response.write ucase(x_CustomerName) %></font> 
<%end if%>

I've tried response write on both x_CustomerNumber and MyVar1, they both get the same output, but MyVar1 = x_CustomerNumber doesn't work, please help
debug it
response.write myVar1 & &quot; &quot; & x_CustomerNumber

are they really *EQ ?? _________________________________________________________
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sorry had to submit that pre finished.
I wanted to add spaces to that.
trim() the values. make certain they are the same data type _________________________________________________________
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I tried this

<%response.write trim(myVar1) & &quot; &quot; & trim(x_CustomerNumber)%>


<%response.write myVar1 & &quot; &quot; & x_CustomerNumber%>

for both I got this (the first set should be equal):

1 1
1 3
Ooops, got it to work with the trim(). Thank you very much onpnt.
did you try the trim in the code though
example: if I do this
dim myVar1, x_CustomerNumber
x_CustomerNumber = 1
myVar1 = &quot; 1&quot;
if myVar1 = x_CustomerNumber then
response.write &quot;<strong>&quot;&x_CustomerNumber&&quot;</strong>&quot;
response.write x_CustomerNumber
end if
' my output is not a strong tag but if I do
if trim(CInt(myVar1)) = Trim(CInt(x_CustomerNumber)) then
response.write &quot;<strong>&quot;&x_CustomerNumber&&quot;</strong>&quot;
response.write x_CustomerNumber
end if
' my output is strong tag because I have taken out the possiblility of a space which
' would lead to a value not equal and the data type ahs been changed to the same
' even knwoing in this case not needed, but for this example used
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sorry posted at the same time I guess. glad you got it. remember trim and data type is a biggy in debugging these
[thumbsup2] _________________________________________________________
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