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Compare drop-down so only one of each choice is used? 2

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Mar 29, 2001
A user needs to order items in order of their preference.
So for example, I have three shirts: blue, red, and yellow. The user has to pick the order of their preference.

1 - Blue
2 - Red
3 - Yellow

Each drop-down has the options of 1, 2, and 3. Is there a way to check to make sure that they only picked a combination of 1, 2, and 3 (not 1,1,1 or 2,1,1 etc.)?

Please let me know if anyone has any suggestions. Thanks!

By the way, I'm also using ASP (if that is any help.)

-DVD Girl

here is a sample code I just came up with.

<script language=&quot;javascript&quot;>
var choices = new Array('red', 'blue', 'yellow');

function initChoice() {
  var theFrom = document.forms['color'];
  for (var i = 0; i < choices.length; i++) {
    theFrom.choice1.options[i] = new Option(choices[i]);
    theFrom.choice1.options[i].value = choices[i];
  theFrom.choice1.selectedIndex = 0;

var numChoices = 3;
function populateChoices(rank) {
  for (var i=rank; i<=numChoices; i++) {
    var options = eval(&quot;document.forms['color'].choice&quot;+i+&quot;.options&quot;);
    for (var j = 0; j < options.length; j++) {
      options[i] = null;
  for (var i=rank; i<=numChoices; i++) {
    var index = 0;
    var options = eval(&quot;document.forms['color'].choice&quot;+i+&quot;.options&quot;);
    for (var j = 0; j < choices.length; j++) {
      if (notSelected(choices[j], i)) {
          options[index] = new Option(choices[j]);
          options[index++].value = choices[j];

function notSelected(choice, rank) {
  var result = true;
  for (var i=1; i<rank; i++) {
    if (eval(&quot;document.forms['color'].choice&quot;+i+&quot;.value&quot;)== choice) {
        result = false;
  return result;


<body onload=&quot;initChoice()&quot;>
<form name=&quot;color&quot;>
<select name=&quot;choice1&quot; onchange=&quot;populateChoices(2)&quot;><option>--</option></select><br />
<select name=&quot;choice2&quot; onchange=&quot;populateChoices(3)&quot;/><option>--</option></select><br />
<select name=&quot;choice3&quot;/><option>--</option></select><br />


Hi byam -
Thank you for your prompt response! Your code works perfectly, however, it's not exactly what I'm looking for. I really want to use numbers (instead of colors). And the code won't work, if say, I wanted to pick the third choice as #1.

I'm open to any other recommendations you have. Thank you!
Hey DVDGirl,

Did you ever get an answer to your question? I want to implement the same thing!

Diva [glasses]

Here's a little something:

[b]//put the document's SELECT objects into an global var/array.  grabSelects() is called with the BODY tag's ONLOAD event.[/b]
var selects;
function grabSelects()
 selects = document.getElementsByTagName("SELECT");

[b]//build a string of the SELECT objects selected indexes.  A duplicate selection will be easily detectable.  An example of a 'valid' indexString would be *2**1**3*.  There are asterisks to both sides of each index as it is added.  This allows for expandability to a number of SELECTs greater than 9.[/b]
function compare(obj)
 var indexString = "";
 for(var i=0; i<selects.length; i++)
  if(selects[i].selectedIndex != -1 && indexString.indexOf("*"+selects[i].selectedIndex+"*") == -1)
   indexString += "*"+selects[i].selectedIndex+"*";
  else if(indexString.indexOf("*"+selects[i].selectedIndex+"*") != -1)
   alert("You must select a unique value for each dropdown.");
   obj.selectedIndex = -1;
<body onload='grabSelects();'>
<form name='form1'>
BLUE:<select name='blue' onchange='compare(this);'>
<option value='1'>1</option>
<option value='2'>2</option>
<option value='3'>3</option>
[b]//initialize each dropdown to selectedIndex of -1[/b]
 RED:<select name='red' onchange='compare(this);'>
<option value='1'>1</option>
<option value='2'>2</option>
<option value='3'>3</option>
 YELLOW:<select name='yellow' onchange='compare(this);'>
<option value='1'>1</option>
<option value='2'>2</option>
<option value='3'>3</option>

Let me know if that's what you're after or if you have any questions. I'm not 100% sure that getElementsByTagName is cross-browser compatible. I'm using IE6.

Thank you for posting, LookingForInfo!

I'm not very JavaScript savvy, so I was wondering how you would tweak the code for multiple groups of drop-down boxes...

If you have any suggestions, I'd be happy to hear them! Thank you!

-DVD Girl
I finally solved it. Thank you to those who took time to read my dilemma.

For those interested, here is the code:
//build a string of the SELECT objects selected indexes.  A duplicate selection will be easily detectable.  An example of a 'valid' indexString would be *2**1**3*.  There are asterisks to both sides of each index as it is added.  This allows for expandability to a number of SELECTs greater than 9.
function compare(obj,checkStart,checkEnd)
 var indexString = "";
 for(var i=checkStart; i<checkEnd; i++)
  var selects = document.workshops.elements
  if(selects[i].selectedIndex != -1 && indexString.indexOf("*"+selects[i].selectedIndex+"*") == -1)
   indexString += "*"+selects[i].selectedIndex+"*";
  else if(indexString.indexOf("*"+selects[i].selectedIndex+"*") != -1)
   alert("Your order of preference for each workshop must be 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5, with each number used only once.");
   obj.selectedIndex = -1;


The select boxes would have this code:
<select name='blue' onchange='compare(this,0,5);'>
<select name='red' onchange='compare(this,5,10);'>

(Say I have two groups of 5 drop-down boxes. 0 is the first select box (or first element) on the form. 9 would be the last select box (or tenth element).)

Thanks again to LookingForInfo for assisting me the solution!

~DVD Girl
i used LookingForInfo's code and it did exactly what i needed. The only problem is that when i add it to a page that uses other select boxes the prompt is alerted at the wrong times. Any thoughts?

Let's say you know the names of the SELECT lists you do NOT want to include in the logic. Change this:

var selects;
function grabSelects()
 selects = document.getElementsByTagName("SELECT");

...to this:

var allSelects;
var selects = new Array();
//knownNames is the array of SELECT list names
// that are not required to adhere to the
// rule that insists no two SELECTS can 
// have the same value selected.
var knownNames = {'selectList1', 'selectsList2'};
function grabSelects()
 [b]allSelects[/b] = document.getElementsByTagName("SELECT");
 for(var i=0; i<allSelects.length; i++)
  var addToSelects = true;
  for(var j=0; j<knownNames.length; j++)
   if(allSelects[i].name == knownNames[j])
    addToSelects = false;
   }//end if
  }//end for

   selects[selects.length] = allSelects[i];
 }//end for
}//end grabSelects()

'hope that helps. I haven't tested it.

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