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Compact a database using JET? 1

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Jul 5, 2001
Is there was way in Jet or VBscript to compact an Access database?
[yinyang] 18 years of programming, and still learning every day! [yinyang]
In DAO it is
DBEngine.CompactDatabase olddb, newdb, locale, options, password
Not sure about ADO, although I know it is possible.
Thanks for the response Francis, unfortunately I know nothing about DAO ...anyone have any ideas on what the script would look like in ADO? Let's say the database file would be pointed to with "c:\mydocuments\mydababase.mdb"

[yinyang] 18 years of programming, and still learning every day! [yinyang]
By jove that's it!!!!!!!!

Thanks a TON JJHou!!!
[yinyang] 18 years of programming, and still learning every day! [yinyang]
Ok, here's a even better one....

If I've got an Access DB file that is locked and encrypted using the User-Level Security Wizard, how would I use this JRO procedure to connect to THIS databse and compact it? Can someone give me a code example using the database files:
database file "mydb.mdb"
and the secured-connection file "myconn.mdw"
with username "whoelse" and password "whatever"

I great big hug for whoever can give me a line of code that works [2thumbsup]
[yinyang] 18 years of programming, and still learning every day! [yinyang]
Assuming you need the ADO connection string for your db, try something along the lines of:

"Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};" & _ 
    "Dbq=c:\somepath\mydb.mdb;" & _
    "SystemDB=c:\somepath\mydb.mdw;", "myUsername", "myPassword"

I always find to be excellent when I'm having ADO-connection-string-grief!
Well, actually the connection string isn't the problem. Here's how I'm compacting a NON encrypted DB file:

Dim JRO As JRO.JetEngine
Set JRO = New JRO.JetEngine
JRO.CompactDatabase "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=c:\mydatabase.mdb , Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=tempfile.mdb;Jet OLEDB:Engine Type=5"

What I'm needing is this method, but a way to get it to compact a database file that was encrypted with the User-Level Security Wizard.

[yinyang] 18 years of programming, and still learning every day! [yinyang]
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