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Command text was not set for the command object.

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Jan 16, 2001
I am getting this error:

Command text was not set for the command object.
/projects/Maintenance/search_results.asp, line 42

<b>Can someone tell what is wrong</b>

<b>Here is my code:</b>

<!--#include file="../Connections/rs.asp" -->
Dim rs__SEARCH
rs__SEARCH = "b"
If (REQUEST.FORM("txtSearch") <> "") Then
rs__SEARCH = REQUEST.FORM("txtSearch")
End If
Dim rs, strUnit, strType, strSearchCode
Dim rs_numRows

strUnit = Request.Form("txtUnit")
strType = Request.Form("txtType")
strSearchCode = strUnit + strType
response.write strSearchCode
Set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
rs.ActiveConnection = MM_rs_STRING

Select Case strSearchCode
Case "11"
rs.Source = "SELECT * FROM dbo.vw_Lubrications WHERE Equipment LIKE '%" + Replace(rs__SEARCH, "'", "''") + "%' ORDER BY Equipment ASC"
Case "12"
rs__SEARCH = Right(REQUEST.FORM("txtSearch"),5)
rs.Source = "SELECT * FROM dbo.vw_Lubrications WHERE EquipmentNbr LIKE '%" + Replace(rs__SEARCH, "'", "") + "%' ORDER BY EquipmentNbr ASC"
Case "13"
rs.Source = "SELECT * FROM dbo.vw_Lubrications WHERE Lubricants LIKE '%" + Replace(rs__SEARCH, "'", "''") + "%' ORDER BY Lubricants ASC"
Case "14"
rs.Source = "SELECT * FROM dbo.vw_Lubrications WHERE IdentifierColor LIKE '%" + Replace(rs__SEARCH, "'", "''") + "%' ORDER BY IdentifierColor ASC"
Case "15"
rs.Source = "SELECT * FROM dbo.vw_Lubrications WHERE CtrlNbr LIKE '%" + Replace(rs__SEARCH, "'", "''") + "%' ORDER BY CtrlNbr ASC"
Case "16"
rs.Source = "SELECT * FROM dbo.vw_Lubrications WHERE IdentifierName LIKE '%" + Replace(rs__SEARCH, "'", "''") + "%' ORDER BY IdentifierName ASC"
Case Else
Response.write "You must select your search parameters."
End Select

rs.CursorType = 0
rs.CursorLocation = 2
rs.LockType = 1

<b>Here is the connection string:</b>

What happens if you do a Response.Write to show the value of rs.Source ... before you execute it.
Hi Sheco,
When I put the Response.Write in, it gives me the error: Command text was not set for the command object for the rs.Open() line. Thank you for replying so quickly.
So it gives you an error when you try to write out the value of rs.Source ?

Perhaps I don't understand.

Yes, it gives me an error when I try to write out the value of rs.Source.

OK then how about a temp variable to hold your SQL statement like this:

Dim sTmpSQL 
Select Case strSearchCode
    Case "11"
        sTmpSQL = "SELECT *  FROM dbo.vw_Lubrications  WHERE Equipment LIKE '%" + Replace(rs__SEARCH, "'", "''") + "%'  ORDER BY Equipment ASC"
    Case "12"

And then after the End Select do a Response.Write sTmpSQL before you do anything else, just to make sure
I mean stick the response.write in before you open the recordset.

Then open it like this:
rs.Open sTmpSQL
i think the problem is here
strUnit = Request.Form("txtUnit")
strType = Request.Form("txtType")
strSearchCode = [red]strUnit + strType[/red]
response.write strSearchCode    
Set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
rs.ActiveConnection = MM_rs_STRING

Select Case strSearchCode
Case "11"

it prob should be

strUnit = [red]clng(Request.Form("txtUnit"))[/red]
strType = [red]clng(Request.Form("txtType"))[/red]
strSearchCode = strUnit + strType
and make the "case" in select case like this

Case 11
Ah good catch, are they numbers are arn't they??
I found out what the problem was. I was trying to you a variable in my select statment that didn't exist.

Thank you for your help.
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Part and Inventory Search

