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Command Line for ePO Pulls and Replication 2

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Technical User
May 27, 2003
Howdy - it was like pulling teeth trying to get this from McAfee (I say Mi-kaf'-ee by the way...) so I thought I would share this with everyone in case you require it.

I am having Scheduled Task issues so my automatic pulling and replicating has not been working and I had heard that there are command line versions that I could schedule using Window's Scheduled Tasks.

So, for your viewing pleasure, here they are: (I haven't tested yet but I'm semi-confident) I think the parameters are pretty self-explanatory once you know them...

narepl32.exe /TaskID=0 /Mirror=NAIFtp /LegacySupport=0 /MoveToPrevBranch=0 /TargetBranch=Current

Narepl32.exe /TaskID=0 /Replicate [/Incremental]

/Incremental is optional for incremental replication instead of full replication

it can always serv to test the server.
by the way - I have now tested it and it works like a charm. Just need to make sure the scheduled task runs under an account that has permissions to do what it needs to eg proxy servers, writing to repositories etc (I just use the epo service account like I did with epo scheduled tasks)

And the bonus is both lines can be in the same batch file so the replication can happen as soon as the pull is done, instead of having 2 tasks running at different times.

everything still gets logged in the sitemgr.log, and replication also gets logged in replication.log.

me so happy.
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