Hello guys!
Our platform is an integrated PBX/ACD MD110 with Genesys CTI. For achieved routing interaction, we´ve configured in the PBX a ITYPE zero extension (digital extension without a phisical teleset connected) where the CTI get the control of the interactions.
Over the ITYPE zero (0), we´ve configured an divert over an ACD group(for backup proposal)when CTI was down.
Sometime, the ITYPE zero is bloked and we need to know which is the command to realese this extension.
(Now, we´d done this action connected a teleset to the extension ITYPE)
Our platform is an integrated PBX/ACD MD110 with Genesys CTI. For achieved routing interaction, we´ve configured in the PBX a ITYPE zero extension (digital extension without a phisical teleset connected) where the CTI get the control of the interactions.
Over the ITYPE zero (0), we´ve configured an divert over an ACD group(for backup proposal)when CTI was down.
Sometime, the ITYPE zero is bloked and we need to know which is the command to realese this extension.
(Now, we´d done this action connected a teleset to the extension ITYPE)