I am very aware that this question has been asked before however I could not find a response that fit my discription. I am conecting to a MYSQL DB on a linux machine using ODBC. My Database is called dispatch, and the table I am trying to query is drivers. The sql command I want to query is
Select Drivers.TruckNum,Drivers.LastName,Drivers.FirstName From Drivers Where
(Drivers.Loaded <> 'Yes') Order By Drivers.LastName
Can some one please help? I need something basic
I tried using the Visual Data Manager, I created a Query but when I tried to save it it said I could'nt, more specifically:
Operation is not supported for this type of object Number:3251
Please help??
Select Drivers.TruckNum,Drivers.LastName,Drivers.FirstName From Drivers Where
(Drivers.Loaded <> 'Yes') Order By Drivers.LastName
Can some one please help? I need something basic
I tried using the Visual Data Manager, I created a Query but when I tried to save it it said I could'nt, more specifically:
Operation is not supported for this type of object Number:3251
Please help??