I create the dropdown list in the INIT event with this code:
The problem is that only the first value is shown when I click the dropdown arrow. I want both values to be present when I click the dropdown arrow. In this example the combobox should contain:
H:\IMPORT\0607\ and
RowSource and RowSourceType are both NONE. The control is not bound. DisplayCount and Number of Elements are both zero, but the result is the same if I change them to 2.
FY() is a function that creates a numeric 4 digit fiscal year, e.g. 0607 (or 607 in this case) for FY 2006-2007.
What am I doing wrong?
Mike Krausnick
Dublin, California
* Current FY import directory
nFY = fy(date())
m.cStartImp = SYS(5)+gcImportDir+RIGHT("000"+ALLTRIM(STR(nFY)),4)+"\"
* Prior FY import directory
This.AddItem( SYS(5)+gcImportDir+RIGHT("000"+ALLTRIM(STR(nFY-101)),4)+"\")
THIS.Value = m.cStartImp
THIS.DisplayValue = m.cStartImp
The problem is that only the first value is shown when I click the dropdown arrow. I want both values to be present when I click the dropdown arrow. In this example the combobox should contain:
H:\IMPORT\0607\ and
RowSource and RowSourceType are both NONE. The control is not bound. DisplayCount and Number of Elements are both zero, but the result is the same if I change them to 2.
FY() is a function that creates a numeric 4 digit fiscal year, e.g. 0607 (or 607 in this case) for FY 2006-2007.
What am I doing wrong?
Mike Krausnick
Dublin, California