I have a question about combo boxes.
In Access when you set up a combo box you could allow it to take values from the list or the user could type in a *different* value (one that might not be in the list).
Is it possible to do that in VB.NET..
I look to the properties of the combobox and do not see a choice or maybe I missed it.
I have tried to type something in there that is not in the list but once I move off the combo control it defaults to the first value in the list.
Many thanks,
I have a question about combo boxes.
In Access when you set up a combo box you could allow it to take values from the list or the user could type in a *different* value (one that might not be in the list).
Is it possible to do that in VB.NET..
I look to the properties of the combobox and do not see a choice or maybe I missed it.
I have tried to type something in there that is not in the list but once I move off the combo control it defaults to the first value in the list.
Many thanks,