Hi All.
I have 3 combo box's:
Department 1
Department 2
Department 3
This is in a table/form called Staff. Also in this table is Staff Name and other relevent info.
I want a combo box that takes the values from Dept1,Dept2,Dept3 and puts them into one so when I do my payrole hours I can chose which department the time card is for. (NOTE 1 - Explained Bellow)
Now the twist.
I select thier name from a combo box (linked to staff table) no prob, this is simple databasing.
Next (NOTE 1) The drop down box bellow that is the department field. In this box is where the 3 Depts drop down.
How do I link all this together?
If someone can explain or create an example form that would be amazing! and pritty much complete my database.
I have 3 combo box's:
Department 1
Department 2
Department 3
This is in a table/form called Staff. Also in this table is Staff Name and other relevent info.
I want a combo box that takes the values from Dept1,Dept2,Dept3 and puts them into one so when I do my payrole hours I can chose which department the time card is for. (NOTE 1 - Explained Bellow)
Now the twist.
I select thier name from a combo box (linked to staff table) no prob, this is simple databasing.
Next (NOTE 1) The drop down box bellow that is the department field. In this box is where the 3 Depts drop down.
How do I link all this together?
If someone can explain or create an example form that would be amazing! and pritty much complete my database.